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Tips on Friendship

  1. Has anyone ever sat down with you and told you how to be a good friend? Maybe you are already a good friend and you do not even know it. Let us learn about how to be a good friend. The ideas are simple and easy.

  2. Talk, listen, and share
    It is easy to talk to a friend. Talk about what you have in common. Remember to give your friend a turn to talk as well. Listen to what your friend has to say.

  3. Praise
    A little praise goes a long way. When your friend does something well, praise him or her. It will feel so good.

  4. Use your manners
    You can be truly yourself with your friends. However, you have to use your manners and be polite. Say please and thank you.

  5. Be helpful
    Do things for your friends. Try to be helpful without keeping a score. Being a nice person is the best way to be a good friend.

  6. Be respectful
    Respect your friend as well as the things you borrow from your friends. Take care of the books, toys, or anything your friend has lent you. The same rule applies for being a good sibling.


 Which of these best supports the main idea of the passage?

  •  A

    The same rule applies for being a good sibling.

  •  B

    Has anyone ever sat down with you and told you how to be a good friend?

  • C

    Being a nice person is the best way to be a good friend.

  •  D

    The ideas are simple and easy.

  • C

    Being a nice person is the best way to be a good friend.


1.     Meditation is the practice of making the mind quiet. It can do wonderful things for kids, too. Just like exercise can help your body become stronger, meditation can help your mind become stronger. 

2.     Unlike exercising, you do not move during meditation. It can be as simple as watching the clouds, or sitting still and humming softly. Just five minutes of quiet meditation a day can help you and your mind a bunch. 


 Which detail supports the idea that meditation is easy?

  •  A

    Just like exercise can help your body become stronger, meditation can help your mind become stronger.

  •  B

    It can do wonderful things for kids, too.

  •  C

    Meditation is the practice of making the mind quiet.

  •  D

    It can be as simple as watching the clouds, or sitting still and humming softly.


It can be as simple as watching the clouds, or sitting still and humming softly.

  1. ou can do your part in saving the planet in easy ways. You can do this every day.

  2. Remember to turn off the tap while cleaning your teeth. Some families waste 35,000 liters of water each year just by running the tap while brushing.

  3. In addition, turn off electronic gadgets when you are not using them. Remember to switch off or unplug computers, television, stereo, etc. This could cut electricity use by 10 percent. That is a lot.

  4. Try to walk, bike, or ride public transportation when you can. Driving or riding in a car everywhere is not necessary. Remember to be safe while doing so. 


 How are the ideas in paragraphs 2 and 3 related?

  •  A

    They both show steps on how to reuse something.

  •  B

    They both explain how to save and cut down on waste.

  •  C

    They both suggest that one must save safely.

  •  D

    They both give instructions to cut waste of electricity.


They both explain how to save and cut down on waste.


How to Become a Judge in the U.S.

  1. If you deeply care about fairness and justice, you may want to be a judge. Like many careers, it takes years to become a judge.

  2. Education
    First, you must have a college degree. Then, you must apply to law school. You must pass an exam to be accepted in law school. After law school, you must pass the bar exam. The exam tests whether you can practice law.

  3. Experience
    After passing the bar exam, you must work as a lawyer. Lawyers work in court. They work for clients to help them win cases. In the court, you will understand how lawyers and judges work.

  4. Judgeship
    You can apply for a judgeship in your state. The process is long. There are many areas in which both lawyers and judges can work. Sometimes judges must be elected or chosen by vote. After you become a judge, you will need training to start working.  

 Paragraph 4 of the passage supports paragraph 1 by showing that

  •  A

    being a judge takes many years of education and exams

  •  B

    only those who care about fairness apply to be a judge

  •  C

    even after many steps, it takes years to work as a judge

  •  D

    fewer people apply to be a judge because it takes too long 


even after many steps, it takes years to work as a judge


Fewer than 11% of schools in the U.S. have recess. It means that millions of kids do not get to play for at least 20 minutes in school. These kids are missing out. Kids learn to interact differently with friends when they play. They behave differently in class or during recess. They are more on their own and have to make their own decisions while playing. Knowing one should not push another kid is different from actually not pushing another kid while playing. Recess means time to practice what kids have learned at home and in class. Parents and teachers should let more kids in the U.S. have recess time.

 What percentage of schools in the U.S. have recess?

  •  A

    At least 20

  •  B


  •  C

    Fewer than 11

  •  D



Fewer than 11


Want to be the President of the U.S.?

  1. America is the land of dreams. You can be anything you want to be when you grow up. You can even be the president of the country. There are three important rules you need to know.

  2. Age Limits
    You must be at least 35 years old to be the president of the U.S. There is no maximum limit. Ronald Reagan was 77 when his term ended.

  3. Residence
    You must have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years. “Residence” means the act of living or working in one place for a long time. The U.S. must be your home.

  4. Citizenship
    You must have been born in the U.S. In addition, at least one of your parents must be a citizen of the U.S. 


 What is the main idea of this passage?

  •  A

    In America, you can be anything you want.

  •  B

    There are three rules to be the president of the U.S.

  •  C

    A resident lives in one place for a long time.

  •  D

    A person needs to be at least 35 to be the president.


There are three rules to be the president of the U.S.

  1. You can do your part in saving the planet in easy ways. You can do this every day.

  2. Remember to turn off the tap while cleaning your teeth. Some families waste 35,000 liters of water each year just by running the tap while brushing.

  3. In addition, turn off electronic gadgets when you are not using them. Remember to switch off or unplug computers, television, stereo, etc. This could cut electricity use by 10 percent. That is a lot.

  4. Try to walk, bike, or ride public transportation when you can. Driving or riding in a car everywhere is not necessary. Remember to be safe while doing so.

  5. Another easy thing to do is to reuse your own bags. Try not to use plastic bags when you shop. These are some ways you can give back to your planet.

 Which detail supports the main idea of the passage?

  •  A

    Remember to be safe while doing so.

  • B

    Try to walk, bike, or ride public transportation when you can.

  •  C

    That is a lot.

  •  D

    You can do this every day.

  • B

    Try to walk, bike, or ride public transportation when you can.



  1. You may have noticed a fruit in your grocery store that looks similar to a banana. However, it is not a banana. This fruit is called a plantain. It grows in many places in the world. Unlike the banana, it is not eaten raw. There are many ways to prepare a plantain. You can cook it, fry it, or bake it. Ripe plantains are very sweet. Unripe ones can be eaten with a bit of salt. 



 How are the ideas in this passage related?

  •  A

    They share recipes to eat a plantain or a banana.

  •  B

    They tell an interesting fact about a fruit that is like a banana.

  •  C

    They mostly tell the reader how to bake a plantain.

  •  D

    They give details about a fruit that looks like a banana.


They give details about a fruit that looks like a banana.

  1. All yams are sweet potatoes. Not all sweet potatoes are yams. In other words, a yam is just one type of sweet potatoes. A yam is also a root that you can eat. It often comes to the U.S. from the Caribbean. It has rough, thick and scaly skin. It is often pale white on the inside.

  2. The name “yam” is thought to have come from Jamaican nyaams or Portuguese inhame. Yams can grow to be much bigger than sweet potatoes. Unlike sweet potatoes, yams must be completely cooked to be safely eaten. A sweet potato can be white, orange or purple. It has a smoother, thinner skin compared to a yam.

Growing a Sweet Potato

What you need:
Glass jar
Sweet potato

What to do:
1. Stick 3 or 4 toothpicks into a sweet potato.
2. Place them so they will rest on the rim of the glass jar.
3. Fill the jar with enough water to cover only the bottom of the sweet potato.    
4. Set the jar in a sunny place, like a windowsill.
5. Check the jar every day. Add water to cover the bottom of the sweet potato.
6. Wait 2-3 weeks. You will see roots and leaves.
7. Remove the sweet potato from the jar.
8. Plant the sweet potato in a pot with soil. Cover the sweet potato with soil. Leave the leaves exposed.
9. You have a sweet potato plant. Water it, and watch it grow. 

 What is the connection between the sentences in the section “What to do”?

  •  A

    The sentence compare a sweet potato to a yam.

  •  B

    The sentences explain how to grow a Jamaican sweet potato.

  •  C

    The sentences list the most important things you need.

  • D

    The sentences list the steps to grow a sweet potato.

  • D

    The sentences list the steps to grow a sweet potato.


New Zealand is a mountainous group of islands. It is in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. The country has more than 50 volcanoes.
    People in the country are called Kiwis. The Maori name for the country is Aotearoa. It means “The Land of the Long White Cloud.”
    The wildlife in New Zealand is rich. In 2016, there were more sheep in New Zealand than people.

 Select the two questions you can answer by reading the passage.

  •  A

    How many people live in New Zealand?

  •  B

    What are the sheep in New Zealand called?

  •  C

    Where is New Zealand located?

  •  D

    What are the people in New Zealand called?

  • C

    Where is New Zealand located?

  •  D

    What are the people in New Zealand called?

  1. Fewer than 11% of schools in the U.S. have recess. It means that millions of kids do not get to play for at least 20 minutes in school. These kids are missing out. Kids learn to interact differently with friends when they play. They behave differently in class or during recess. They are more on their own and have to make their own decisions while playing. Knowing one should not push another kid is different from actually not pushing another kid while playing. Recess means time to practice what kids have learned at home and in class. Parents and teachers should let more kids in the U.S. have recess time.

 Which of these is a main idea of the passage?

  •  A

    There are some things that kids learn from playing with other kids.

  •  B

    Kids in the U.S. are missing out on benefits because of too little to no recess time.

  •  C

    Parents and teachers in the U.S. need to play with children more.

  •  D

    Recess may be the only time some kids in the U.S. get any play time.


Kids in the U.S. are missing out on benefits because of too little to no recess time.

  1. Happiness is the state of being happy. The dictionary says that good luck, feeling satisfied, feeling joy or pleasure makes a person happy. Happiness has more to do with feelings than with having things. When people have family and friends to share joy, they feel the happiest.

  2. Some people seem to be happier than others. They look for and find happiness everyday. Some people may have everything they need, but they are still unhappy. In that case, happiness is a choice. Some people choose to be happy. Others choose other ways to act or feel.

  3. Some say that happiness comes from doing things for others. Helping others, sharing with others, making someone smile often makes people happy. Spending time with friends and family also makes people happy.


 Which detail, if added, would support the main idea of the passage?

  • A

    Happiness means different things to different people.

  •  B

    Happiness, sadness, and surprise are important feelings.

  •  C

    Anger, fear, and disgust are three of six basic feelings.

  •  D

    When a person has every wish fulfilled, he or she is satisfied.

  • A

    Happiness means different things to different people.


A study from Johns Hopkins University shows how music is good for the brain. It says listening to music gives the brain a workout. When musicians made up music while under an MRI machine, parts of their brains lit up. An MRI machine can show what is happening inside a brain. It helped us learn that music keeps one’s brain alert and active.

2. A person’s brain has to make connections between the notes. In other words, it works hard to make sense of the music. So, the brain gets exercise. New music also makes the brain work hard. The brain has to make sense of the new sounds, too. Listen to your favorite tunes. Try listening to something new. Either way, your brain will thank you.


 Why does listening to new music make the brain work hard?

  • A

    It has to make sense of the new sounds.

  •  B

    The brain finds new sounds confusing.

  •  C

    The brain works harder while hearing old music.

  •  D

    At first, it does not like hearing new sounds.

  • A

    It has to make sense of the new sounds.


Learn How to Be Assertive 

  1. Assertive means bold and confident. Someone assertive is both bold and confident. It is a good quality to have. If children are assertive, they stand up for themselves. They cannot be easily bullied. Being bold does not mean hurting someone’s feelings. It means sharing your ideas and feelings while respecting others. Children can have opinions and share them. Assertive children share opinions that others may not like. They disagree with someone politely. Assertive children can do the following:

    • Know their feeling
    • Feel they can control themselves
    • Speak up for themselves or others
    • Avoid and deal with bullying
    • Politely disagree
    • Work with others in difficult situations
    • Say “no” when they need to
    • Feel confident
  2. With practice, children can learn to be bold and confident. If parents and grown-ups behave this way, children can learn from example. When children are assertive, they can better take care of themselves. They can also handle different situations better. 

 How are the ideas in the bullet points connected?

  •  A

    They describe why assertive children are not bullied. 

  •  B

    They explain the reason children want to be assertive.

  •  C

    They compare children who are assertive and those who are not.

  •  D

    They show the different things assertive children can do.


They show the different things assertive children can do.


Wind Energy

  1. A windmill is a machine that uses the energy of the wind. Windmills have been around for a long time. Persia was using windmills as early as the 5th century. Windmills were also found in 13th century China. They were used to grind grain and pump water.   Wind Turbines

  2. A modern-day windmill is called a wind turbine. A wind turbine uses the wind energy to make electricity. People can use this energy in their homes, schools, offices, and other places. The first wind turbine was built in Scotland in the late 1800s.

  3. A wind turbine has blades and a turbine. The energy of the wind turns the blades, which rotates the turbine to make electricity.

  4. Wind turbines can help solve our energy problem. The energy problem is said to grow worse as we use up fossil fuels. Fossil fuels provide most of our energy today.   

 Which detail from the passage describes how a wind turbine works?

  •  A

    The turbine turns on its own. 

  •  B

    The blades on a wind turbine use electricity to move. 

  •  C

    The blades on a wind turbine do not move. 

  •  D

    Wind turns the blades of a wind turbine.


Wind turns the blades of a wind turbine.

  1. A study from Johns Hopkins University shows how music is good for the brain. It says listening to music gives the brain a workout. When musicians made up music while under an MRI machine, parts of their brains lit up. An MRI machine can show what is happening inside a brain. It helped us learn that music keeps one’s brain alert and active.

  2. A person’s brain has to make connections between the notes. In other words, it works hard to make sense of the music. So, the brain gets exercise. New music also makes the brain work hard. The brain has to make sense of the new sounds, too. Listen to your favorite tunes. Try listening to something new. Either way, your brain will thank you.


 What is the main idea of this passage?

  • A

    A study shows that listening to music makes the brain alert and active.

  •  B

    Listening to favorite music helps the brain grow.

  •  C

    A brain can be studied under an MRI machine.

  •  D

    Scientists study how music is good for the brain.


A study shows that listening to music makes the brain alert and active

  1. Do you like to read? Are you worried you do not have enough time to do so? Worry no more. Keep these simple ideas in mind to make more reading time in your life.

  2. First, find your local library and become a member. Next, find 20 minutes in your day to simply read. Think about all the times you spend waiting for the bus, riding in the bus, or waiting at the doctor’s dentist’s office. You could read for 20 minutes here and there. It adds up before you know it! It is easy to be a reader. It can be relaxing. Once you find a good book to read, you will find time in your day to read it. Then, try to carry a book or a book you can listen to when you are traveling.

 Which detail, if added, would support the main idea of the passage?

  •  A

    You can even finish thick books if you read every day.

  •  B

    Reading in more than one language is difficult for some.

  •  C

    Too much screen time or reading can be bad for your eyes.

  •  D

    Take care of your health if you usually sit for hours to read.


You can even finish thick books if you read every day.


The weather tells you what the atmosphere is like at a place and time. There is more to rain and clouds when it comes to the weather. It includes wind, temperature, and air pressure as well.

Wind is the movement of air from one place to another. How fast the wind moves in a day also affects the weather.

Temperature is a measure of hotness or coldness. A thermometer can be used to measure it. Most commonly, a Celsius or a Fahrenheit scale is used. A lower temperature means cooler weather. When the weather is warm, temperatures are higher.  

Cloud coverage
Cloud coverage tells you how much cloud covers the sky. It is also called cloud fraction. It can be measured as a percentage (from 0-100). It can be measured as a fraction (from 0-1.0).


 How are the ideas in the text and the diagram related?

  •  A

    They explain that stormy weather is the most dangerous.

  •  B

    They explain that cloud coverage least affects the weather. 

  •  C

    They show weather has to do with many things.

  •  D

    They show that the wind mostly affects the weather.


They show weather has to do with many things.


Ways to Learn

  1. There are different ways in which people learn. Some learn best by what they see and remember. For example, notes, diagrams, drawing, or doodles help them learn. For them, just hearing information might not work as well.

  2. Some like to listen for information. They remember by talking about what they have learned. Working in groups and repeating information to themselves helps them learn better.

  3. Another way of learning is by reading and then writing to remember. Such learners like to read, then write what they learned. They also like knowing where the information comes from. They enjoy doing projects.

  4. Still others like learning by doing. They move about while learning. They like to use their hands to explain things. Also, they like to touch or make things to understand how those things work.

  5. Knowing how you learn best can help you become a better student. It might also help you enjoy learning more.

 What is the connection between the sentences in the fourth paragraph?

  •  A

    The sentences compare one style of learning with another.

  •  B

    The sentences tell the steps of learning by moving.

  •  C

    The sentences show examples of one way of learning.

  •  D

    The sentences show what causes using hands to learn.


The sentences show examples of one way of learning.


Wind Energy

  1. A windmill is a machine that uses the energy of the wind. Windmills have been around for a long time. Persia was using windmills as early as the 5th century. Windmills were also found in 13th century China. They were used to grind grain and pump water.   Wind Turbines

  2. A modern-day windmill is called a wind turbine. A wind turbine uses the wind energy to make electricity. People can use this energy in their homes, schools, offices, and other places. The first wind turbine was built in Scotland in the late 1800s.

  3. A wind turbine has blades and a turbine. The energy of the wind turns the blades, which rotates the turbine to make electricity.

  4. Wind turbines can help solve our energy problem. The energy problem is said to grow worse as we use up fossil fuels. Fossil fuels provide most of our energy today.   

 Which detail from the passage supports the fact that windmills were used to do different jobs?

  •  A

     The energy problem is said to grow worse...(paragraph 4)

  •  B

    ... they were used to grind grain and pump water.(paragraph 1)

  •  C

    ... can use this electricity in their homes, schools, offices... (paragraph 2)

  •  D

    ... has blades and a turbine. (paragraph 3)


... they were used to grind grain and pump water.(paragraph 1)

  1. There are different ways in which people learn. Some learn best by what they see and remember. For example, notes, diagrams, drawing, or doodles help them learn. For them, just hearing information might not work as well.

  2. Some like to listen for information. They remember by talking about what they have learned. Working in groups and repeating information to themselves helps them learn better.

  3. Another way of learning is by reading and then writing to remember. Such learners like to read, then write what they learned. They also like knowing where the information comes from. They enjoy doing projects.

  4. Still others like learning by doing. They move about while learning. They like to use their hands to explain things. Also, they like to touch or make things to understand how those things work.

  5. Knowing how you learn best can help you become a better student. It might also help you enjoy learning more.

 Which is the main idea of the passage? 

  •  A

    Audio books for children can be used to learn while traveling.

  • B

    Different ways of learning work for different people.

  •  C

    A lecture is a long talk that teachers use in college.

  •  D

    Some experts tried to find out how animals like pigs learn.

  • B

    Different ways of learning work for different people.

  1. Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. This means that we should let kids imagine. The best way to do it is through play. Play is more than just fun. It is how kids learn. They know how the world works. They understand who they are.

  2. Grown-ups can let kids figure out the games. They can also guide the kids. Little kids enjoy make-believe games or playing house. Bigger kids can play pretend obstacle courses or run through hurdles. Kids can use things around the house on their make-believe race track. Kids can work with others, use what they have, and simply imagine. When kids imagine, they learn how to solve problems. Letting kids play is one of the best things we can do for them.

 Which detail, if added, would support the main idea of the passage?

  •  A

    Always recycle the toys you have outgrown.

  •  B

    Games of the old days are making a comeback. 

  •  C

    Imaginative play can be done for free.

  •  D

    Wooden toys are better than plastic ones.


Imaginative play can be done for free.

  1. I want you to read this passage out loud. Why? The passage is about how good reading out loud is for you. You will benefit in many ways. Reading out loud helps you understand what you have written better. Often, you can picture what you wrote about as you read it out loud. This helps you understand your own writing.

  2. You may stumble on parts that are not clear. You may want to read the part that does not flow well again. Another effect is finding out misspelled words. When you read your writing out loud, the words that are spelled wrong stand out. This will make you want to fix your writing for the better.

  3. Reading out loud tells you about the way you write. When you listen to your own voice, you will know your style, too. Just like the way you like some colors or types of clothing better, you like some words or ways to say something better. That is also your style. 

 What causes the reader to find misspelled words?

  •  A

    Reading out loud

  •  B

    Picturing the writing

  •  C

    Liking a style better

  •  D

    Knowing one’s style


Reading out loud


What is a Genius

  1. A genius is an extremely intelligent person. Some are very clever at math, science, or chess. Some are brilliant at creativity, like writing, music, and art.

  2. One famous genius is Albert Einstein. He was brilliant at math. Amartya Sen, an economist from India, is a famous genius. Some were geniuses in many areas. Marie Curie was brilliant in physics and chemistry. Leonardo da Vinci was very clever in many areas. He was known for art, invention, and science.  

  3. Geniuses are usually discovered at a young age. They are child prodigies. Genius and talent are different. A talent is the ability to learn a skill quickly. For example, someone talented at math can solve problems quickly. A genius can do more. A genius thinks of things nobody has thought of before. He or she also solves problems creatively.

  4. Many people have different ideas of what makes a genius. Some tests can tell how brilliant a person is. Many disagree that tests can show how smart a person is. 

 In “What is a Genius,” what is the connection between the sentences in paragraph 3?

  •  A

    They describe how talent solves problems.

  •  B

    They introduce a problem about genius.

  •  C

    They compare talent and genius.

  •  D

    They give a list of subjects which geniuses like. 


They compare talent and genius.


Experts recommend that people should research before going out to view wildlife. Local people or guides, books, and the Internet are great sources of information. You must know where the wildlife lives. The season also affects whether or not you can see the wildlife.
    Keeping a safe distance is important. You can use binoculars or cameras that can zoom in. It is best to view wildlife without disturbing them. If disturbed, they can leave or harm the humans. If wildlife comes closer, do not move, stay calm, and slowly back away.
    Not touching wildlife is also a must. It might not only cause injury but may also be illegal. Remember to never feed wildlife. As a rule, let the animals or plants in the wild be the way you see them. That is the best way to view wildlife.

 Which three questions does this passage answer?

  •  A

    What should you do if wildlife comes closer?

  •  B

    What is the best source of information on wildlife?

  •  C

    What might cause injury to wildlife viewers?

  •  D

    What is a good source of information on wildlife?

A, C, D