
What is one example of a Physical change 4-5th graders experience?

Puberty, hormones affect emotions


What are the three interacting factors of reciprocal determinism?

Cognition, environment, behavior.


What is one example of a career the 5th graders mentioned in the video?

Florist, youtuber, veterinarian, artist (cartoon), auto mechanic, teacher (funniest), animator, singer, lawyer, marine, NASA engineer, firefighter, police, SWAT, animal helper, basketball player, developer, musician, zoologist, actress, videographer.


Who should a school counselor collaborate with for college and career readiness interventions?

Students, parents, teachers, community, colleges/universities, professionals, etc.


What was the overall takeaway from this study? (What factors were found to be the most important things to "spike" in 4th/5th grade kids?)


Exploration skills 

Self-regulation skills

Planning skills 


What are the different categories of change that 4th-5th graders can experience?

Physical, psychosocial, socioemotional, cognitive, gender.


What are the three efficacy belief dimensions?

Magnitude, generality, strength.


According to the 5th graders in the video, in which career will you have to take a test that involves pepper spray?

SWAT: Special Weapons & Tactics Officer


What is one college and career readiness skill a student should have by the time they get to 4th/5th grade?

Self regulation, performance accomplishment


What were some differences between genders?

Boys reported:higher "fantasy" career interests, higher emphasis on safety and health, less mention of consulting others or key figures. 

Girls reported: higher awareness of self interests, higher instances on consultation with key figures, and were generally more realistic. 


At this stage in development, what is tied to persona responsibility?

Daily tasks

Why is it important to help 4th and 5th graders build a strong self efficacy, in terms of college and career readiness?

It can help students form strong college and career goals.


Describe the path that the student who wants to be a teacher mentioned in the video.

College, transfer to 4 year university, student teacher, own classroom.


Name the three interventions mentioned in the chapter.

The Student Career and College Fair

 The Junior Engineers Club

 Fourth Grade Coffee House and Fine Arts Night


What were the 7 "concepts" affecting career exploration in children, researchers found across most participants?

Exploration and Information


Key Figures

Locus of Control

Time Perspective and Planning

Decision Making

Conceptions of Work 


What is one way stereotype threat can affect students who identify as female?

Lower academic achievement, lower career expectancy, decreased career aspirations.


What are the four sources of efficacy expectancy, according to Bandura’s theory?

Performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, emotional arousal.


What skills/behaviors did the students from the video mention that they had to acquire for their careers?

Working together, following directions, getting good grades, working hard, being healthy.


In which intervention, mentioned in the chapter, do students get hands on experience in both business and entertainment?

Fourth Grade Coffee House and Fine Arts Night


What population did researchers believe was overlooked in previous research, and was therefore selected as the target population in this study?

Low SES, Urban, 4-5th Graders


What is one strategy to overcome stereotype threat?

After school programs or clubs. guest speakers, open conversation, social skill building activities.


What two skills can self regulation help with?

Emotional regulation and coping skills.


What mindsets and behaviors are students in the video demonstrating or speaking?

M: Self confidence in ability to succeed, positive attitude toward work and learning

B: Use leadership and teamwork skills to work together in diverse teams, demonstrate empathy.


Name 3 components of the RESPECTFUL model that should be considered when designing college and career interventions for all students?

E-Economic/social class background
S-Sexual Identity
P-Personal style and education
E-Ethnic/racial identity
C-Chronological/lifespan status and challenges
F-Family background and history
U-Unique physical characteristics
L-Location of residence and language differences


What are some potential directions for future research on this topic? Anything you'd personally like to look into in more depth... etc. 

how does poverty and oppression affect the views one holds toward work and the establishment/maintenance of self-concept over the life span?

what are the best methods for sparking curiosity in kids regarding career planning?