What is the name of the NA's contry ?
It's United States.
Who encourage boys scouts to have a special day for America ?
Arthur C. Parcker encourage boys scouts.
what month is a celebreting a native american ?
the month is November
Where sleep boys scouts ?
In tents.
What is the capital of USA ?
How many national festivals is there with all the tribes of USA ?
We have 2 celebrations.
What is the origin of Arthur C. Parcker ?
He was Séneca.
Where the first decision for NA's day was taken ?
In New York.
On which animal leaves the boy scout go take the support of a maximum states for have a holiday of NAH ?
He go on a horse.
It is New York.
What tradtions did peopls keep compared to where they lived when they were little ?
What is the name of the boy scout who went take the support of a maximum states for have a holiday of NAH ?
His name is Red Fpx James.
What is the first New York's decision for the NA's day ?
It was the first saturday of may.
How many states give their support for have a holiday of NAH ?
24 states give their support.
Name me one state of USA ?
(open question) For exemple : Pennsylvanie ; Louisiane ; Missipi ; Californie ; Hawaï ; New York ; ...
What do the NA do in Thanksgiving ?
The NA celebrate a successful harvest season. With the other tribes, they represent their country in traditional festivals, they share their costumes, cultures and heritages.
What is the name of the president who decides november is NA's month ?
His name is Georges H. W. Bush.
When the président decides november is the NA's month ?
In 1990.
How many milles do the principal boy scout to go take the support of a maximum states for have a holiday of NAH ?
He do 4000 milles.
Name me a tribe of USA.
(open question) For exemple : Navajos ; Sioux ; Cheyennes ; Cherokees ; Apache ; ...
When the europeans landing for the first time in USA ?
In the 27 march 1513.
What does Arthur C. Parcker do ?
He realizes that the NA should be recognized for their contribution of the development.
When the first decision for NA's day was taken ?
in 1918.
When the principal boy scout go take the support of a maximum states for have a holiday of NAH ?
In 1914
What kind of representations want you see ?
I want to see more representation of Native Americans.