These are the 4-H colors
What are green and white?
What does Adjournment do?
Ends a meeting
Name 3 animal projects
What are dairy cattle, beef, swine, sheep, goats, horse, poultry, rabbits, dogs?
Two Extension Specialist in your county
Who is JD, Jaci or Brian
The 4-H emblem
What is the 4-leaf clover?
How does a motion pass?
With the majority or 2/3 of the vote
Name the project area that has to do with growing fruits and vegetables
What is gardening?
The University that oversees Colorado 4H programs.
What is CSU?
The 4-H Motto
What is "To make the Best Better"?
What are the three most common businesses in a agenda?
1. Old/unfinished business
2. New business
3. Other business
The project area that has to do with repurposing something old and making it into something that will server a different purpose.
What is Home Design and Decor?
Colorado youth can join 4H between the ages of ___ and ___
What is 8-18 years old?
Rules in place to make a meeting run smoothly.
What is the Parliamentary Procedure or Roberts Rules of Order?
How many taps of the gavel are there to start a meeting?
2 taps
Group of projects that contains archery and air rifle
What is shooting sports?
True or False. 4-H Clubs only exist in the United States.
False. 4-H can be found in more than 70 countries
What are the 4-H's
Head, Heart, Hands, and Health
What are the 3 stages which every main motion must pass?
1. Securing the Floor / Be Recognized
2. Introducing Business / Make Motion
3. Putting the Question / Vote
Projects are exhibited at this event in the county
What is the County Fair?
Who gives guidance to 4-H members on projects and club events?
Who are 4-H leaders?
The location of the Colorado State Fair
Where is Pueblo?