That's My Job
All about Meetings
Fun & Games
Say What?

This officer prepares the agenda and runs the club meeting.

Who is the President


The 3 parts of a 4-H meeting

What are business, recreation, and education


This officer uses music to re-direct the focus of the meeting.

Who is the song leader?


This is the term for the number who must vote for a main motion for it to pass.

What is Majority?


This is the first thing a President says when he/she begins a meeting.

What is The meeting is called to order?


This is the person who takes notes during a meeting and then reports a summary of the meeting to the membership.

Who is the Secretary?


During this time in the agenda, members continue to discuss topics they have discussed in previous meetings.

What is Old Business?


This person uses games to build teamwork and friendships.

Who is the Recreation Leader?


This is the name of a written list of the order of business to be conducted at a meeting.

What is Agenda?


These are the first two words that one would use to start a motion.

What is "I move"?


This is the person who keeps the financial records for the club.

Who is the treasurer


This is the item on the agenda during which the secretary calls the names of all the members to determine if each is present.

What is Roll Call.


This officer takes photos of club activities and creates a scrapbook.

Who is the Historian/Reporter?


This action introduces business for the group to act on.

What is a motion?


These are the words one would say after another member has made a motion.

What is "I second the motion."


This is the person who takes over in the president's absence.

Who is the Vice President?


This is the time on the agenda during which items never brought before the club previously can be discussed.

What is new business?


This officer lets the club know if there is enough money to pay for a party.

Who is the Treasurer?


This what a member has if he/she is recognized by the President (given permission to speak).

What is The Floor.


This is the sentence that a member would say if he/she wanted to end the business portion of the meeting.

What is "I move the meeting be adjourned"?


This is the person who can make a motion.

Who is a member?


People who are asked to help members attend meetings, select and complete projects, and assist with ALL 4H activities.

Who are Parents.


This officer writes an article about their club's activities and shares a photo with the local newspaper.

Who is the Reporter/Historian?


These are five voting methods that the president may use.

What is voice vote, standing vote, roll call, paper ballot, and show of hands.


These are two sentences a president would say immediately after a member has seconded a motion to conduct a food drive at Reasor's grocery store next Saturday at noon.

What is It has been moved and seconded to conduct a food drive next Saturday at Reasor's grocery store at noon. Is there any discussion?