4-H Pledge
The 4 H's
Healthy Living Core
The hand motion for "I pledge my head to clearer thinking..."
What is touching your head?
Your head can do this to create activities for your club in 4-H meetings
What is think?
A game using electronic system to follow dance moves on the screen can help keep your heart healthy
What is Just Dance Games?
Each letter in the word S.T.E.M. stand for a word
What is Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics?
Learning about how to get help if someone is picking on you or your friend, being mean over and over, calling you names. Shows you can stand up for yourself and othersttst2te3t
What is Bully Prevention?
The hand motion for "my heart to greater loyalty..."
What is touch your heart?
Your Heart can feels this when you do Community Service for others
What is Care?
Rock climbing, camping, hiking, kayaking, boating are examples of a type of adventure that keeps you physically active
What is Outdoor Adventure?
Aerospace talks about this object that flies in the air, up in the clouds. You ride in it to go visit family or to go on vacation. It has propellers, wings, a pilot and flight attendants.
What is an Airplane?
The 4-H program that teaches you to care for "babies" like feeding them, bathing them, playing with them, making bottles, changing diapers shows responsibility and maturity
What is Babysitting?
The hand motion for "my hands to larger service...."
What is put your hands up and out?
Your hands can do this when you are physically doing an activity or a Community Service Project
What is work?
Using this 2 wheel type of transportation and learn about safety when riding it can help you to keep the environment healthy, give you exercise, and you can go out in the neighborhood with your friends to do this
What is anBicycle?
You use this Technology item at home, school, in the Tech Lab at the Youth center. In 4-H you learn about house to use this, you may take one apart, or use it to view pictures or videos.
What is Computers?
Using your words, talking to others, having conversations, reading aloud in front of people, writing notes is a form of this
What is Communication?
The hand motion for "my health to better living."
What is put hands behind your back?
You must keep yourself Healthy to be able to breathe and what
What is Live?
Learning to take care of someone or yourself because of injury is staying safe and healthy. It is the "FIRST" thing you do to help if injured- Example: using band aids, washing a cut, wrapping arm with a bandage
What is First Aid?
In this program, you can create Technology that might move, talk, walk, color, all by itself. These run by themselves using wires, batteries, metal parts.
What is Robotics?
Being a role model, making good choices, behaving, listening to the rules, being mature, being responsible is learning to be this
What is a Leader?
You must do the 4-H pledge before this
What is a 4-H meeting?
The order of the 4 H's in the 4-H pledge
What is Head, Heart, Hands, Health?
Performing different physical fitness in a gym, outside, at home, watching a video, dancing to a game on the Wii, running, sports are all forms of this
What is Exercise?
This energy that looks like a wind mill and uses wind to turn blades, powers homes electricity using Clean Energy(not using oil and gas to turn the blades)
What is Wind Power?
Making soup for the Homeless, putting out collection boxes for food or clothes, picking up trash, cleaning for others, caring for pets is a form of this in the "Community"
What is Community Service?