What is oppression???
When a person or community are treated UNFAIRLY 👎 and DENIED (negado) JUSTICE
TRUE OR FALSE: All 4 I’s of oppression are connected and work together
If a man believes women should always serve men their food….
Ideological Oppression
What is IDEOLOGICAL oppression?
(How people think about others) la manera que uno piensa de los demás o se creen mejor que los demás
In the United States the dominant group is.....
White people
white wealthy people
white men
When people make inappropriate and racist comments about someone 's skin color. Cuando la gente hace comentarios inapropiados y racistas.
Interpersonal Oppression
What is INTERPERSONAL oppression?
(How people treat each other) la manera que la gente maltrata a otra gente (Las interacciones entre personas)
Discrimination against individuals with dark skin, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group
A student laughs at the way another student speaks English
Interpersonal oppression
What is INSTITUTIONAL oppression?
(How institutions treat others) la manera que las instituciones maltratan a algunos grupos
Name 3 examples of INSTITUTIONS
Immigration laws (leyes) are more strict (estricto) for people from Latin America than for people coming from Europe
Instituional oppression
What is INTERNALIZED oppression?
(How people think about themselves) cómo piensa la gente sobre sí misma. Las personas de color que sufren discriminación empiezan a pensar negativamente sobre sí mismas
This is when something is “worse” or seen as “less than” something else.
Hatred (odio) and Violence from gangs (pandillas) between Latinos and other Latinos is an example of …
internalized oppression