Cass's college house address
What is 607 Walnut street
What holiday party do Joel and Cass host every year?
What is a Halloween party
What was Cass's go to drink at Barnebies happy hour?
what is --?
Name all the 607 hoes
Describe Cass's childhood OG haircut
What is a bowl cut
What was Cass's childhood stuffed animals name?
What is Bearsie
Where did Joel propose?
What is Peddlers Village
Cass's go to drunk reggtown pizza
what is --?
What are the names of ALL Cass's Nieces and Nephews?
Liam, Maeve, Thomas
How much can Cass bench press?
what is -?
Who was cass's favorite rapper in college?
Who is lil wayne
Name Joel's sibling
How many underage has Cass had?
What is three
Who was our Sea isle house mascote?
Who is marcel?
What is the highest amount pizza slices has Cass eaten in one sitting?
What is -
What was cass's chore in high school?
what is brush the fringe
What color are Joel's eyes?
What is Green
Who is burn sienna
One thing all the Byrnes girls have in common regarding their signifcant others.
what is COGARS - they all married younger men
What does Cass's tattoo say?
what is be your own hero
what is class clown
Name one thing Joel will NEVER eat in his breakfast sandwich.
What is Egg
How much did Cass blow in breathalizer at Matt Abhrams high school party
what is 5/17/25?