so symptomatic
nurse does what
teach me

Pt presents with productive cough, low grade fever, wheezing, dyspnea, and possible chest pain. As the nurse you suspect...

Acute bronchitis (bonus 25 pts if you can explain patho) 


A patient has returned from surgery following a tracheostomy. Two priority nursing interventions include... (50 bonus points for each extra intervention) 

Suction present at bs, log roll to turn, flat pillows only, oral care/trach care at least daily, humidified O2, increased HOB


A patient with obstructive sleep apnea asks the nurse for recommendations to relieve symptoms at home. The nurse states... (bonus 100 points for each additional intervention) 

Sleep on side, increase HOB, no sedatives/alcohol for 3-4 hours before bedtime, weight loss, oral devices


Antibiotics will be started for acute sinusitis or bronchitis infections lasting longer than...

7 days (bonus 50 points if you can name an antibiotic used for sinusitis) 

Having more than _____ episodes of apnea events per hour classifies sleep apnea as severe 

15 (bonus 50 points if you can name interventions for severe sleep apnea) 


Pt presents with body aches, fever/chills, sore throat, and fatigue. As the nurse you suspect...

Influenza (bonus 25 points if you can name the type of isolation required) 


For a patient following a rhinoplasty, the nurses priority concerning is maintaining...

Airway!! (bonus 50 points if you can remember a nursing intervention to maintain airway)


A patient with sinusitis is asking the nurse for ways to relieve symptoms at home. The nurse suggests... (bonus 25 point for each extra intervention) 

Sleep with increased HOB, steam/hot shower, Netti pot, hydration, warm compresses

This class of drugs is used to manage symptoms in sinusitis

Steroids, decongestants 


If onset of PNA is within ______ hours of admission, it is considered community-acquired


Pt presents with dyspnea, decreased chest movement, pleuritic pain, and a cough. The nurse suspects this is...
Pleural effusion (bonus 25 points if you can differentiate transudate and exudate)

As prophylaxis for preventing complications following a lobectomy, the nurse ensures what are completed prior to discharge?

Pneumococcal and influenza vaccines 


The nurse is doing education for influenza vaccinations. She explains that this is a contraindication for vaccination (50 bonus points for each additional answer) 

egg allergy, history of Guillian-Barre, previous vaccine within 6 weeks


These classes of drugs may be used in the management of acute bronchitis (bonus 25 points for additional classes) 

Mucolytics, cough suppressants, bronchodilators, antibiotics 


Why would we recommend small, frequent meals for a patient admitted for pneumonia?

Larger meals expand the stomach decreasing room in the thoracic cavity for pleural expansion


Pt (67M) with a BMI of 35 presents with severe lethargy, daytime sleepiness, morning HA, and poor concentration. The nurse suspects...

Sleep apnea (25 bonus points if you can name the study done to diagnose; 50 bonus points if you can explain the morning HA) 


To prevent atelectasis in patients post lobectomy, the nurse ensures they do what? (name one thing, bonus 50 points for each extra named) 

Pain management (TCDB), teach splinting, incentive spirometry q1h when awake

A patient is undergoing a PPD skin test for TB. The nurse explains a positive result is indicated by...

Induration greater than 5mm (bonus 150 points if you can name the three reasons you would do a retest)


This can be a complication of topical decongestant overuse 

Rebound congestion

A patient with influenza may be prescribed antivirals if symptom onset was within ______ days


Pt presents with a "pressure" pain when swallowing, malaise, congestion, and HA. The nurse suspects..

Sinusitis (75 bonus points if you can name how long until ABX are started) 


Following the removal of a chest tube, the nurse should ensure this is present at the bedside...

Vaseline gauze (bonus 50 points if you can name a complication associated with not using this) 

A patient is post tracheostomy. The nurse explains to the patient this long-term therapy will be initiated to improve quality of life (extra 50 points for additional teaching points) 

Voice rehab/speech therapy, daily stoma care, cover when sneezing/coughing, no swimming, bs humidifier, increase fluids, medic alert bracelet, may lose ability to taste/smell (bonus 100 points if you can name the special valve that allows for speech with a trach) 

The pneumococcal vaccine is available and recommended for patients (name one age range/population, bonus 50 points for each additional) 

>65, 2-65 if chronic health issues, 19-65 if smokers, asthmatics, live in long term care facilities


A complication of untreated pneumonia 

Pleurisy, pleural effusion, atelectasis, bacteremia/sepsis, empyema