Peak and Priarie
The Pilgrims
The American Circus in All Its Glory

17. To what is the author referring by the phrase "friendly giant" in paragraph 1?

a large mountain


25. What is a central idea of the poem?

It took effort and sacrifice for the Pilgrims to create a new life for themselves.


Read the excerpt from paragraph 12.

The air seemed charged, the entire town electric.

What do the authors mean by the figurative language?

People could feel excitement of the circus.


43. Which change, in any, is needed to the underlined text?

alphabetically, either

No change


"How does the author convey the central idea of the text?"

What is the meaning of the word that is underlined above?

to show through actions, dialogue, or events in the text


19. Read the sentence from paragraph 7

Glancing down a side street, she beheld a sight which made her heart beat hard.

What is the meaning of the figurative language?

Mrs. Nancy Tarbell was upset


26. Based on the context of the poem, how did the Pilgrims respond to the challenges of starting a new settlement?

with commitment and dedication


34.Which statement summarizes a central idea of the text?

The circus is an event of fantasy and excitement.


41. Which change, if any, is needed to the underlined text?




1. What is an objective summary? 

2. What information is included in an objective summary?

1. Statement of facts about an article, story, or poem

2. Characters, Setting, and major plot events


15. What is the theme of the passage?

Compassion often generates bravery


25. What is a central idea of the poem?

It took effort and sacrifice for the Pilgrims to create a new life for themselves.


35. Which two quotations from the text support your answer for central idea?

A. "Something, anyway, outside the ordinary and mundane. Something wonderfully unlikely." (para. 2)

E. "The circus in its heyday showed a little of the fantastical to ordinary people." (para. 12)


44. Which change, in any, in needed to the underlined text?




The assignment was a breeze.

The old lady was an old bat.

Her voice is music to my ears.

What kind of figurative language is presented in the sentences above?

metaphor; a comparison of two unlike things


24. What does the ending of the passage reveal about Mrs. Nancy Tarbell?

she is not used to receiving attention from others


27. How does the figurative language in line 9 impact the meaning of the poem?

The figurative language emphasizes that the Pilgrims depended on one another for survival.


37. Read the sentence from paragraph 9.

Part of P.T. Barnum's genius was to sand off some of the rougher edges.

What is the meaning of the figurative language?

He made the unpleasant aspects of the circus more pleasant.


45. Which change, in any, is needed to the underlined text?




When you do not know the meaning of a word and you have to look around the word or read the entire sentence to figure it out.

context clues


23. How does the author develop the point of view of Mrs. Nancy Tarbell in the passage?

by conveying her thoughts and feelings through the narration


31. What purpose is served by the break between the two stanzas?

It provides a contrast between the Pilgrim's hard work and their achievements


36. What is the meaning of the phrase "aromatic assault" as it is used in paragraph 1?

a strong and powerful odor


42. Which change, if any, is needed to the underlined text?

poetry books graphic novels and cookbooks

poetry books, graphic novels, and cookbooks


What does the personification in this text suggest?

During Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the levees and flood walls that had been built to protect the city of New Orleans broke, and water swallowed parts of the city.

Parts of the city disappeared underwater.