Music Theory
Rom Com

A piano traditionally has these two colors of keys.

What is white and black?


In 2003, this movie came out, endearing an orange Clown Fish father and a forgetful Blue Tang to the hearts of America.

What is "Finding Nemo"?


This 2008 film stars Liam Neeson as a father tracking down and rescuing his daughter from kidnappers in Europe. 

What is "Taken"?


This iconic American car features a pony on its logo and is considered one of the safest race cars on the track. 

What is a Ford Mustang?

This movie, written by Norah Ephron and directed by Rob Reiner, is ranked #1 on Vanity Fair's list of "The Best Rom Coms of All Time." It features the iconic line, "I'll have what she's having."

What is "When Harry Met Sally"?


This actress taught us how to sing using the notes do, ray, me, fa, so, la, ti, do—all while running through the hills of Austria.

Who is Julie Andrews?


Known for its fighting spirit and vibrant (traditionally blue) hues, this fish is one of the most popular pet fishes in American households today.

What is a Beta fish?


This son of the late Queen Elizabeth II is the reigning king of England and the third king of this name. 

Who is King Charles III?


The 2006 Pixar movie "Cars" features this hit track, which put Rascal Flatts on the map. 

What is "Life is a Highway"?


"10 Things I Hate about You" is a teenage rom com based on this Shakespeare play. It stars a young Joseph Gordon Levitt who must find a date for his beloved's older sister (Julia Styles) to take to the prom and pays the local bad boy, played Heath Ledger, to do the job.

What is "The Taming of the Shrew"?


There are this many notes in an octave.

What is eight?


Both a snack and a common carnival prize, this orange fish is another common pet.

What is goldfish?


This church, located in Vatican City, is the largest church in the world.

What is St. Peter's Basilica?

In 1908, this man introduced the Model T, one of the first mass production vehicles. 

Who is Henry Ford?


Will Smith, Eva Mendes, and Kevin James star in this Rom Com about a pickup artist (Smith) who mentors a socially inept nerd (James) on how to romance a young starlet, but ends up learning a thing or two about sincerity from his client when his own romance gets off to a rocky start. 

What is Hitch?


This Austrian composer, known in his time for being a musical prodigy after composing his first Opera at 11, sold more records in 2016 than any other artist. 

Who is Mozart?


This 2008 Studio Ghibli film stars a young fish who becomes a little girl.

What is "Ponyo"?


This landlocked European country near Germany, Austria, and Poland has the most castles in all of Europe.

What is the Czech Republic?


In 1986, California law mandated the use of this safety device. 

What is a seatbelt?


"Mamma Mia" stars Amanda Seyfried and Meryl Streep as a mother daughter duo in a jukebox musical featuring the music of this 80s band. 

What is ABBA?


There are this many notes on the piano.

What is 12?

A, A#/B♭, B, C, C#/D♭, D, D#/E♭, E, F, F#/G♭, G, G#/A♭


Ben raises this arthropod, which comes in a range of colors but are typically associated with pink or red and are delicious additions to any bbq when grilled on a skewer.

What is a shrimp?


Jet Blue has approximately this many flights per day.

What is 1000?


According to the U.S. Department of Energy, this is the average gas mileage of cars in America.

What is 25 mpg?


In Princess Diaries 2, Princess Mia agrees to an arranged marriage with a British aristocrat, Andrew Jacoby who is the fictional Duke of this real English town which shares a name with a famous apartment building in San Francisco. 

What is Kenilworth? (or Duke of Kenilworth)