12 Errors of Management
Management Functions
Marketing Cont…
Years in Review (Fun Facts)

Not staying up with the best information and practices

New developments occur, or customers require change, and you do not acknowledge the change

What is Failure to anticipate industry trends?

What is lack of priorities?


The four functions of management 

What is planning, organizing, directing/coordinating, and controlling?


The use of strategic communications to promote a company with decision-makers

What is Aviation and Aerospace marketing?


Used to determine workloads and facility needs for the airspace system as a whole.  

What are FAA forecasts? Such as The National Plan of Integrated Airport systems (NPIAS), Terminal Area Forecasts, and National Aerospace Forecasts. 


The year that the first successful, sustained, manned, powered flight was accomplished by the Wright Brothers

What is 1903?


Not deciding a course of action in a timely manner

A manager who gets interrupted every 8 minutes, for example

What is Indecisiveness?

What is poor time management? 


The best strategy for time management

What is delegation?


The four P’s of marketing

What is Product, Price, Place, and Promotion?


Convenience goods, shopping goods, specialty goods, and unsought goods.

What are the four categories of marketing theory?


The year that the jet engine was patented by inventor Frank Whittle from Great Britain

What is 1930?


The managers lack of ability to clearly, calmly, and effectively talk to subordinates, peers, and supervisors.  

A manager not taking responsibility for anything they may have delegated to someone else. 

What is poor communication skill?

What is lack of personal accountability? 


A leader who provides clear expectations of the work required, often best applied when time is a constraint or when the leader is the most knowledgeable. 

What is an authoritarian leader? (Autocratic)


Helps the business owner understand the trends including the underlying factors causing them

What is market research?


The three basic methods for pricing

What are cost-based, demand-based, and price-based?


The year that the Airline Deregulation Act ended government control of airline fares, routes, and market entry

What is 1978?


Improper instruction of employees

Inability to follow company rules 

Not identifying the way an employee works and planning according to them 

What is failure to develop, train, and acknowledge people? 

What is failure to support company policy in public?

What is failure to accommodate work styles?


The least productive leadership style, where the leader provides little guidance to the group, and is most appropriate in groups with highly qualified members.

What is a delegative leader? (Laissez-faire)


Similar to having a time share, this can consist of smaller corporations closing their individual flight departments, business people realizing the benefits of GA transportation, and frequent charter fliers. 

What is Fractional Ownership?


Can be defined as reward for effort, reward for risk, sales ratio, or return on investment.

What is profit?


The airline company that had technological issues with their outdated ticketing software

What is Southwest?


Not prioritizing the business aspect

A manager creating a counterproductive level of discomfort, for example 

Not exhibiting how high the bar is set and what good performance is supposed to look like

What is failure to focus on profit? 

What is failure to recognize the needs people fulfill by working?

What is failure to establish and adhere to standards?

A leader who functions as a productive member of the group and solicits input from other members, as they are not usually the most knowledgeable group member. 

What is a participative leader? (Democratic)


This encouraged a rebound in small aircraft production and is paralleled by the growth in fractional aircraft ownership.

What is the General Aviation Revitalization Act of 1994 (GARA)


Costs that go up as volume of sales goes up vs. costs that allows a business to open 

What is variable vs. fixed?


The models of aircraft that Mr. Schneider worked on at his previous job

What are F-15 models C, D, and E?