Native Amercan Alliances
The French & Indian War
New British Policies
Vocabulary & Misc.
French/British Rivalry

The French were more interested in _________ ______ than land.

What is fur trading.


The Native Americans helped the French against the British colonists by _____________.

What is raiding on the frontier, or killed colonists, burned farmhouses and crops, and drove many families back toward the east coast. 


How did the Native Americans suffer from the British victory?  Name two reasons.

What are -1. price of goods went up. 2. British did not pay them for their land  3. Settlers began settling in Native American lands. 


In spring 1754, the governor of Virginia sent a _________—a military force made up of ordinary citizens—to drive out the French. (Leading this force was a young Virginian. His name was George Washington.)

What is militia.


What area did both the French and British want?

What is the Ohio River.


The Iroquois Confederacy was the most powerful group of the ___________ __________. Be specific.

What is the Iroquois Conderacy.


In 1757, William Pitt became the British ______ ______. 

What is Prime Minister.


Pontiac's War Occurred because the Ottowa wanted to stop the ____________ from moving farther west into the Ohio River Valley.

What is British.


The ___________ was the most powerful group of Native Americans in eastern North America. At that time, the confederacy included six nations—the Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Tuscarora.

What is the Iroquois Confederacy.


What did both France and Britain build?

What is forts.


Although the Iroquois refused an alliance with the British, they did agree to remain _________.

What is neutral.


William Pitt helped Britain be more successful by sending in more __________  ___________ ________ to fight in North America.

What is trained British troops.


The Proclamation of 1763 by King George restricted the colonists from settling ___________  (east or west) of the Appalachian Mountains. 

What is west.


After the Treaty of Paris in 1763 that ended the war, France gave Canada to Britain and land _________ of the Mississippi River. 

What is east


What did both French and British want that the area around the Ohio River provided?  Be specific.  "Land" is NOT the answer. 

What is rich resources.


The reason why Franklin's Albany Plan of the Union failed was because the colonists did not want to give up any ________________.

What is power


To gain colonial support, Wiliam Pitt told the colonists that Britain would pay for the ___________, but he knew that the colonists would pay ______ later.

What is war and taxes.


The Proclamation of 1763 was good for the Native Americans because it removed _________ with the colonists.  

What is conflict


What is another word for "alliance"?

What is a partnership.


What fort did George Washington create?

What is Fort Necessity.


What two things that proved that the French accepted the Native Americans? 

What are the French married the Native American woman, some spoke their language, and some converted some natives to Catholocism.


What were the two decisive French defeats?

What is Montreal and Quebec.


The Proclamation of 1763 angered the colonist because it kept the colonist close to the _________ where the British could control them. 

What is coast (east coast).


Neutral means to take no ___________.

What is side.


 What was the name of the country that build Fort Duquesne? 

What is France.