Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4

What is a cartographer?

A person who makes maps.


What is the crude birth rate?

The average number of births per 1000 people; the traditional way of measuring birth rates.


What is diffusion?

The pattern by which a phenomenon such as the movement of people, or their ideas, technologies, or preferences, spreads from a particular location through space and time.


What is a political map?

A map that shows the spatial organization of the countries and territories on the entire globe at a given point in time.


What is state terrorism?

Terrorism committed by government agents whose leaders have ordered them to murder, imprison, or force into exile perceived enemies of the state.


What does GPS stand for?

Global Positioning System.


What are some factors that could contribute to a low birth rate?

Factors that contribute to a low birth rate include wealth, education, female, labor, participation, urban residence, and intelligence.


What is creolization?

The linguistic process where languages converge and create new languages and forms of communication.


What is a sovereign state?

A state that possesses the sole authority over the land and people within its boundaries.


What is globalization?

Expansion of economic, political, and cultural processes to the point that they become global and scale and impact. The processes of globalization transcend state boundaries and have outcomes that vary places and scales.


Why is aerial photography important?

Aerial photography can capture images from angles that weren’t possible before, allowing excellent overview of an area. It can also produce fine, high resolution, highly detailed images and has become an important tool.


What are some factors that could contribute to a high birth rate?

Some factors that contribute to a higher birth rate religion, culture, support, and intention to have children.


Which cultural hearth did Buddhism and Hinduism begin in?

Indus ganga religious hearth.


What’s the difference between a nation and a nation state?

The main difference between a nation and a nation-state is that a nation-state is a state with the same borders as a nation, while a nation is a cultural identity without statehood.


What is a language family?

A group of related languages that share a common ancestry.


How is aerial photography different from satellite imagery?

Satellite imagery is made by artificial satellites orbiting the Earth, where aerial photography is is taken by an airplane or a drone. The field view covered in aerial photography is much smaller compared to satellite images. Satellites orbit the globe where aerial photography scans small areas.


what is the difference between pronatalist policies and anti-natalist policies?

Anti-natalist policies are designed to stop population growth by reducing fertility rates, while pronatalist policies are designed to boost population growth by in increasing fertility rates.


What are some example of ethnic religions?

Hinduism, Judaism, Shintoism.


What is irredentism?

The political claim to territory in another country based on ethnic affiliations and historic borders.


What is the difference between pandemic and epidemic?

A pandemic is a world wide outbreak of a disease and an epidemic is a regional outbreak of disease. 


What is a contested boundary?

Boundaries that are disputed for religious, political, or cultural reasons.


What is the most reoccurring example of an anti-natalist policy that happened in a country in Asia?

China’s one child policy.


What is the difference between imperialism and colonialism?

Imperialism is the motivating impulse to control greater amounts of territory. Colonialism is the act of forcefully controlling a foreign territory, which becomes known as a colony.


What is terrorism?

The calculated use of violent acts against civilians and symbolic targets to publicize a cause, intimidate or coerce a civilian population, or affect the conduct of the government.


What is population density?

A measurement of the number of people per given unit of land.