Orientation of a new staff member should be brief
True or False
Something a supervisor should bring to the clinical supervision relationship
•Being prepared for sessions
•Desire to create a safe and trusting environment
•Excellent listening skills
•Ability to allow supervisee to explore and learn
•Encouragement and support
•Building of motivation
•Ability to share appropriately
•Desire to bring goals of agency and supervisee into harmony
•Enhancement of competence and confidence of supervisee
•Ongoing assessment of supervisee
•Prompt, objective and helpful feedback to supervisee
One of the four steps of creating an annual budget
An evaluation tool that is created by a direct staff member and the client
Treatment plan
A way that a leader might set an example regarding diversity within an agency
Incorporate diversity within strategic planning
Acknowledge challenges of diversity within agency
Become comfortable with tension/complexity
Set example
Encourage respect for individual differences
Promote understanding of different values, beliefs, etc.
Explain benefits of diversity to agency
Name one of the components that might be included in the interview process for hiring new staff
Multiple staff involved with selecting interviewees
Standardized questions
Open-ended questions
Different levels of interviewing
One of the formats that might be used for clinical supervision
•Self-report (most common)
•Audio or video tape
•Live observation
•Role playing
•Client feedback
The type of budget that lists an anticipated cost for each separate expense
Line item budget
One of the purposes for doing evaluations in an agency
Help with administrative decision-making
Improve current programs
Provide accountability
Build support for effective programs
Add improved knowledge to human services
Name two ways that productivity and efficiency of a meeting
Create and send out agenda ahead of time
Parking lot
Invite only those needed
Follow up
Send out meeting notes afterwards
This details the key expectations of a certain position in an agency
Job description
One of the two types of supervision at a human service agency
This type of budget begins with a total amount proposed for a program that is then broken down into separate expenses
Program budget
A decision for which administrators might use information from an agency evaluation
•Where to spend funds, how to make hiring decisions, etc.
•Program planning
•Continue or expand effective programs
•Cut or decrease less effective programs
•Development of new programs
Name the two styles of leadership:
____________-oriented and _____________-oriented
One benefit that comes from training staff members
•Improved knowledge/enhanced work capabilities
•Increased staff morale/camaraderie
•Improved individual staff confidence
•Improved service delivery
•Improved compliance with mandates
A perspective that a supervisee should bring to the clinical supervisory process
•Being prepared for sessions
•Willingness to participate in process
•Ability and readiness to learn and grow
•Willingness to set, adjust and achieve goals
A periodic examination of an agency's financial records and documents by an independent investigator
The type of evaluation that provides empirical assessments with statistical reliability and validity
Standardized instrument
One of the characteristics of "shared leadership"
·Opposite of “solo” leadership
·Quality of interactions rather than hierarchical level
·Team problem solving
·Conversations rather than instructions
·Shared values and beliefs
·Desire for common good
Name a difficulty that may come from promoting a staff member from within an agency
•Brings internal agency biases
•May have trouble transitioning to supervisory role with previous colleagues
What clinical supervision provides
An opportunity for colleagues to develop understanding, skills and a professional orientation while focusing on client well-being
A block of money given to achieve a goal within an agency
A type of input for the Logic Model for an agency
This is a method for managing off-topic comments during a meeting
Parking lot technique
A method that may be used to evaluate a staff member's performance
Likert scale
360° survey
The responsibility of the development department
Seek out and manage funding for an agency
Agency performance used to be based on output but are now based on ______________.
The four components of the Logic Model
This refers to the type of data that is used to measure changes in a client's quality of life