the length of the small and large intestine combined
what is 27 feet long?
The main function of the muscular system.
What is to help the body move?
The amount of bones in the human body
what is 206 bones
This gland releases hormones into the blood to regulate processes like metabolism and growth.
What is the thyroid gland?
body systems that aid the immune systm to sneeze ( name atleast 2 )
What is the muscular, circulator, and the nervous system
The body system that works with the digestive system to remove waste/feces from the body
What is the muscular system?
the amount of force the tong has
what is 40-80 kilopascals?
When two bones meet in one place
What is a joint?
The brain sends signals through this system to regulate heart rate and blood pressure.
What is the nervous system?
The immune system uses these cells in the lungs to protect against harmful pathogens that enter during breathing.
What are alveolar macrophages?
The main fuction of the digestive system
What is to break down food into nutrients?
The body system that works with the muscular system to move.
What is the skeletal system
The biggest bone in the skeletal system
What is a femur?
3 organs that are in the circulatory system.
What is the heart, blood vessels (including arteries, veins, and capillaries), and blood?
What is to protect the body from infection?
This long, muscular tube is responsible for transporting food from the mouth to the stomach.
What is the esophagus?
The strongest muscle in the body
What is the masseter/the muscle that closes the jaw?
The interaction between the skeletal system and the muscular system to make the body move.
What is the skeletal system supports the muscle while the muscles contract and pull to move?
A system that works with the circulatory system to deliver oxygen throughout the body.
What is a respiratory system?
These cells in the gut help protect against harmful microorganisms and aid in digestion.
What are gut-associated lymphoid tissue cells?