Ancient Influences 1
Ancient Influences 2
Enlightenment Thinkers
Influential Documents
America's Founding Principles

An ancient city-state

What is a Polis?


What two ancient civilizations greatly influenced American democracy?

Who are Ancient Greece and Rome?


What does unalienable rights mean?

What is rights that cannot be taken away?

What document signed in 1215 was the first document to limit the power of an English King?

What is the Magna Carta?


The idea that ALL men are subject to the law is called:

What is Rule of Law?


What type of government did Ancient Greece have?

What is a direct democracy?


type of democracy created by Rome where the citizens choose representatives that do the work of government and are accountable to the voters

What is a Representative Democracy?


This philosopher may be best remembered for his views on the idea on the three branch structure of government.

Who is Montesquieu?


Signed by the Pilgrims on board their ship, it was the first effort at self-government in New England

What is the Mayflower Compact?


the principle that only allows leaders and the government to only go so far in what they can do....

What is limited government?


Name 2 influences that came from Judeo-Christian 

What is justice, personal responsibility, individual worth, and rule of law?


Which is an influence both Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome had on the American

What is civic participation?


According to John Locke, what are a persons Natural Rights?

What is life, liberty, and property?


Thomas Paine wrote this pamphlet in 1776 attempting to convince people of the 13 colonies to break away from the King of England.

What is Common Sense?


The Democratic principle that makes sure that no one branch of government has too much power.

What is Separation of Powers?


The idea from ancient Rome and the Judeo-Christian tradition that laws should be written down

What is rule of law?


Ancient Greece developed the idea of a Legislative Body. Explain what that is

What is a group that makes laws?


According to this philosopher, the people and government have a social contract theory with each other for the common good. If the government fails to protect the rights of the people, it can be replaced.

Who is John Locke?


What document further limited the power of the government by giving people rights that cannot be taken away?

What is the English Bill of Rights?


Voting, running for public office, attending town hall meetings, jury duty, and volunteering for the military. Which idea influenced the American government?

What is civic participation?


Name the 4 democratic influences developed my Ancient Rome?

What is Representative Democracy, Rule of Law, Separation of Powers, and Civic Participation?


Name the 4 democratic influences developed by Ancient Greece?

What is a Written Constitution, Civic Participation, Polis, and Legislative Bodies?


The idea that the governed will freely give up some of their rights in order for the governors to do what is best for society is known as what?

What is a social contract?


What major right did the Magna Carta help to influence in the founding of America?

What is trial by jury?


Government  must follow certain procedures before they may deprive a person of a protected life, liberty, or property interest

What is Due Process?