This is the term for the Moon’s spinning motion on its axis.
What is rotation?
These large, dark, flat plains on the Moon were formed by ancient lava flows and were once mistaken for seas.
What are maria?
After the full moon, the Moon starts shrinking, but more than half is still lit in this phase.
What is Waning Gibbous?
The darkest part of a shadow during an eclipse is called this.
What is the umbra?
Even though the Sun also affects tides, this celestial body has a stronger effect.
What is the Moon?
Earth is tilted at this angle as it orbits the Sun.
What is 23.5 degrees?
This U.S. President set the national goal of landing a man on the Moon by the end of the 1960s, a mission highlighted in the documentary.
Who is President John F. Kennedy?
The Moon takes approximately this many days to complete one full rotation.
What is 27.3 days?
These bright streaks of ejecta material extend outward from impact craters and can be seen from Earth.
What are rays?
In this phase, the Moon is completely dark because it is between the Earth and the Sun.
What is a new moon?
A solar eclipse occurs during this phase of the Moon.
What is a new moon?
The type of tide that occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are lined up, creating the biggest difference between high and low tides.
What is a spring tide?
This event occurs when the Sun is at its highest or lowest point in the sky, creating the longest or shortest day of the year.
What is a solstice?
The first successful manned Moon landing, which took place during this Apollo mission.
What is Apollo 11?
This term describes the Moon’s movement around the Earth in an elliptical orbit.
What is revolution?
These deep, channel-like valleys on the Moon’s surface were likely formed by flowing lava.
What are rilles?
Just before the new moon, only a small curved sliver of the Moon is visible in this phase.
What is a waning crescent?
The lighter, outer part of a shadow during an eclipse is called this.
What is the penumbra?
This force is responsible for pulling ocean water and creating tides on Earth.
What is gravity?
This event occurs when day and night are nearly equal in length.
What is an equinox?
This astronaut was the first human to step foot on the Moon during Apollo 11.
Who is Neil Armstrong?
Because the Moon’s rotation and revolution take the same time, we always see the same side of the Moon. This is called ________.
What is synchronous rotation (or tidal lock)?
This type of rugged, heavily cratered terrain makes up most of the Moon’s surface and is lighter in color.
What are highlands?
In this phase, half of the Moon is lit, and it comes after the waxing crescent.
What is the first quarter?
The order of celestial bodies during a solar eclipse is this.
What is Sun-Moon-Earth (SME)?
When the Sun and Moon pull at right angles (90 degrees), we experience these weak tides.
What are neap tides?
The top half of Earth is called this.
What is the Northern Hemisphere?
This Apollo 11 astronaut followed Armstrong onto the lunar surface, making him the second person to walk on the Moon.
Who is Buzz Aldrin?
The side of the Moon that always faces Earth is called this.
What is the near side?
These bowl-shaped depressions on the Moon’s surface were created by asteroid and meteor impacts.
What are craters?
This phase occurs right after the new moon, when only a small sliver of the Moon is visible.
What is a waxing crescent?
A lunar eclipse occurs during this phase of the Moon.
What is a full moon?
The highest high tides and the lowest low tides happen during these moon phases during a spring tide.
What is a full moon and new moon?
This imaginary line at 23.5° North is where the Sun shines directly overhead during the Summer Solstice.
What is the Tropic of Cancer?
Which country was competing with the USA to reach the Moon first?
What is USSR or Soviet Union
This imaginary line runs from the North Pole to the South Pole of the Moon.
What is an axis?
This rugged, heavily cratered hemisphere of the Moon was hidden from human eyes until spacecraft photographed it.
What is the far side?
This phase happens right before a full moon when more than half of the Moon is illuminated.
What is a waxing gibbous?
The order of celestial bodies during a lunar eclipse is this.
What is Sun-Earth-Moon (SEM)?
This type of tide occurs during the first quarter and third quarter moon, when high and low tides have the least difference.
What is a neap tide?
This imaginary line at 23.5° South is where the Sun shines directly overhead during the Winter Solstice.
What is the Tropic of Capricorn?
This was the first Apollo mission that ended in tragedy when a fire broke out in the command module during a pre-launch test.
What is Apollo 1?