The mexican revolution started in this year
what is 1910
This person was the dictator before the Mexican revolution
who is Porfirio Diaz
this treaty established Cuba as an economic protectorate of the US
what is the Platt Amendment?
The Constitution of 1917 was signed in this year
what is 1917
Efforts were made to combat the lack of smart children using these places
what are schools and libraries?
Getulio Vargas was the dictator of this country
What is Brazil
This person was a prominent leader during the revolution of Mexico
who is Emilio Zapata
this US policy stopped interference in Latin American Affairs
What was the Good Neighbor Policy
The Constitution of 1917 redistributed land to this group
What are Peasants?
Mexico made an effort to gain more of this thing that foreign influences were preventing them from getting
This Mexican dictator using elites and foreign businesses
who is Porfirio Diaz
The first mexican president after the revolution was this person
who is Venustiano Carranza
Economic Nationalism did this for latin american countries
what is decreasing foreign dependence and trade for domestic economic interest
The PRI was founded in this year
There was a helping of Indian communities to gain back this thing they lost
What is their territory?