True or False
Coping Skills
Name that coping skill!
Let's Practice!
Just for Fun!

Stress and Anxiety are the same thing

False- Although stress and anxiety often have some shared symptoms, they are not quite the same thing.  


Name 3 healthy coping skills

Examples: deep breathing, meditation, exercise, talking with a trusted adult, talking with friends, doing a hobby, taking a break, grounding exercises, getting enough sleep, drawing, art, music, progressive muscle relaxation, positive self-talk, etc.


Taking your mind off of the problem for a while is this type of coping skill



Practice taking 3 deep breaths

Remember to breathe in slowly through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and breathe out slowly through your mouth for 4-6 seconds.  


If you could visit any country in the world, which country would you like to visit?

Thanks for sharing!


All stress is bad

False- Stress can be helpful with completing important goals, keeping us safe from harm, etc.


Name 3 unhealthy coping skills

Examples: Substance use, drinking alcohol, isolation, aggression, avoidance, negative self-talk, self-harm, emotional eating, over sleeping, engaging in risky behaviors, ignoring feelings, etc.


This coping skill is beneficial for your physical and mental health



5-4-3-2-1...What are...

-5 things you can see

-4 things you can feel

-3 things you can hear

-2 things you can smell

-1 thing you can taste

Remember that the goal is to purposefully take in the details of your surroundings using each of your senses.

What TV series or movie could you watch over and over again and not get bored?



Difficulty concentrating, irritability, and fatigue can be symptoms of both stress and anxiety

True.  Stress and anxiety often have symptoms that overlap.


What makes a coping skill unhealthy?

When it is unhelpful, hurtful, or unsafe to yourself and others.


Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga are examples of this type of coping skill



Practice saying a few positive self-talk statements. Examples: I can do this; I can only do my best; It's OK to make mistakes; This feeling won't last forever; I did it; etc.

Making positive statements to yourself helps you to build confidence, improve performance, and improve your mental skills.  


If you had a day to do anything you wanted, what would you do?



Coping skills are tools or techniques that help you deal with difficult emotions or situations.



What are some coping skills you can use at school?

Examples: talking to a trusted adult, taking a break, asking for help, deep breathing, grounding exercises, etc.

Seeking support from others and asking for help is what type of coping skill?

Social coping/support seeking


Think of a place where you would like to be.  This place should be safe.  Once you have that place in mind, really focus on what it feels like to be there. What are you wearing? What do you hear? What are the smells? Are there people around? Is there a breeze? What is around you?

Imagery is daydreaming, but it is a little more structured and purposeful.  It can be very helpful when you are upset or stressed out.  Try closing your eyes and imagining a safe place that brings you peace and calmness.


What is 1 accomplishment that you are most proud of?

Good job!


The use of coping skills may be beneficial with both stress and anxiety.



What are some coping skills you can use at home?

Examples: Listening to music, talking to a friend or parent, a hobby (tv, puzzles, reading, etc.), taking a social media break, deep breathing, grounding exercises, drawing/art, etc.


The 5-4-3-2-1 technique is an example of this type of coping skill



Practice gratitude!  What are 3 things that you are thankful for?  Consider starting a journal and writing about 3 positive things that have happened each day.

Taking the time to feel gratitude may improve your emotional well-being by helping you cope with stress.  Research shows that practicing daily gratitude can have mental and physical health benefits.


If you were stranded on an island, which 3 items would you take with you?

Thanks for sharing :)