Counselor Role
Ms. Schubitzke Specific
Reasons and How-To to see the counselor
Important Things

What is Confidentiality?

the state of keeping or being kept secret or private.


True or False: Can anyone come see the school counselor?

True. Everyone who is a student in school can access the school counselor


What is my job at Floodwood?

THE BEST School Counselor


What is an example of a time where you would come see the counselor immediately?

If the situation was an emergency, mental health crisis (difficulty calming down, crying, feeling very down), or needs immediate attention. 


Name two things you can do to make sure you have good grades this year (can be multiple correct answers)

check your grades weekly

ask your teachers questions

stay organized

use a planner


keep your eye on the end goal

talk to supportive peers/adults


True or False: if a student says to the counselor, "I am going to beat up Tommy right outside of the math classroom after school", the counselor needs to keep that information confidential.

False: If someone is going to hurt another person, it is the counselor's job to make sure the other person will be safe 


True or False: counselors only work with students who have challenges

False: We often work more with students who may struggle, but we work with all students. 


What is my favorite color?



True or False: there is a limit as to how many times you can see the counselor

No. You can come as you need!

What are two ways you can handle conflict?

talk it out (compromise, collaborate, tell them how you feel, seek to understand)

find a trusted adult or friend to support

be patient


A student comes to the counseling office to talk about family issues. During the conversation, the counselor notices a bruise on the student's arm. When she asks the student to tell her about the bruise, the student says her dad got really mad at her last night. Something the counselor MUST do after learning this information is...

Counselors are mandated reporters, so, if a student is being hurt by an adult, they need to report that information. Confidentiality may be breached in this situation.


What is the difference between a school counselor and a therapist?

School counselors see many students and have many different duties than a therapist does. School counselors don't see students for many sessions in a row, and they help students with other things too, like academics and college and career readiness.


What is my favorite food?



When during the school day should you come to see the counselor (a couple possible answers)?

during an open hour, if you get a pass from your teacher, or if my door is open (you are always welcome).


Name 5 different emotions

any 5 is good!


True or False: It is your choice what you do or don't tell the counselor

True. You get the choice as to what you do or don't say to the counselor.


Who do school counselors work closely with (multiple correct answers)?

Principal, office staff, teachers, counselors from other schools, therapists, colleges, community members and more!


DOUBLE POINTS: Who am I related to in this school?

Tanner (6th grader)


What is the best way to set up an appointment with the counselor?

Send me an email


True or False: you have to know exactly what you want to do for the rest of your life when you are in 7th or 8th grade

False: You don't have to know now, and your counselor can help you brainstorm!


Name 3 exceptions to confidentiality

If you are hurting yourself, if you are going to hurt someone else, or if someone is hurting you

Fill in the blank: School counselors work with kids on social/emotional skills, college and career readiness and _________?



Where did I go to college (two correct answers)?

University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD)

University of Wisconsin Superior (UWS)


What is an example of a time where you would see the counselor within a couple of days or within the week?

Something is bothering you that doesn't need immediate attention, you want help with conflict resolution or problem solving, you want some tips for an upcoming test etc.


DOUBLE POINTS: What do the letters in ROAR stand for?

Respect, Optimism, Acceptance and Responsibility