
A change in motion caused by an unbalanced force acting on an object; includes increasing speed, decreasing speed, or a change in direction.

What is Acceleration?


The force that causes objects with mass to attract one another.

What is Gravity?


Forces on an object that cause change in the motion of the object.

What is Unbalanced Forces?


Gives a specific speed and direction.

What is Velocity?


The car speed if increasing 10 m. per minute. 

What is Acceleration?


The state of an object when it is not in motion.

What is At Rest?


The tendency of a physical object to remain still or continue moving unless force is applied

What is Inertia?


If a ball was sitting in a hill then, kicked down a hill by someone, which one of Newtons laws would it apply too?

What is Newton’s Law of Inertia?


If a ball is sitting on a hill, what is its current position

What is at rest?


Caused an object to stop rolling down a hill.

What is Friction?


Forces on an object that do not change themotion of the object.

What is Balanced Forces?


Newton’s law stating that for every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction force; often referred to as Newton’s third law of motion.

What is Newtons Law of Action-Reaction (3rd)


A car crashes into a tree, the same force the car hit the tree with is equal to the force opposite to the force applied by the car. Which one of Newtons laws apply to this?

Newton’s Law of Action-Reaction (3rd)


If two opposite forces are pushing against each other its?

What is Unbalanced Forces?


The car is being pulled by four people. 

What is Force?


A push or pull that can change the motion of an object.

What is Force?


Newton’s law stating that acceleration of an object depends on the object's mass and the magnitude of the force acting upon it (F = ma); often referred to as Newton's second law of motion. 

What is Newton’s Law of Force and Acceleration (2nd)


If two like forces you pressings against each other what kind of forces is it?

What are Balanced Forces?


The car is moving 50 m/s to the right. 

What is Velocity?


A force that resists the motion of two surfaces sliding across one another.

What is Friction?


Newton’s law stating that an object at rest stays at rest or an object in motion stays in motion until unbalanced forces act upon it; often referred to as Newton's first law of motion

What is Newton’s Law of Inertia (1st)


the time rate at which an object is moving along a path, while velocity is the rate and direction of an object's movement.

What is Speed?


The car is moving 50 m/s. 

What is speed?