Imperialist Escape!
The Land of The Rising Sun
Build up to Battle!
World at War
Random Readings and Remembrances

As you wish, Lord Vader! This is the extension of a nation’s power over other lands:

What is imperialism?

Leave me alone! Before American interference, Japan practiced a policy of remaining apart from the political affairs of other countries, otherwise known as this:

What is isolationism? 


USA USA!!! No, VIVA ESPAÑA! loyalty to one’s nation, and the group of people with whom one shares political, social, and cultural beliefs, was a major reason for the build-up to WWI. It is also known as this:

What is nationalism? 


Take Me Out! The first World War begins in the aftermath of the assassination of THIS archduke:

Who is Franz Ferdinand? 


Gasp! The Germans initiated this type of warfare when they dropped canisters of chlorine gas on unsuspecting British, French, and Canadian forces:

What is chemical warfare? 


Dropping the hammer! This type of rule featured colonial governments in which local elites were removed from power and replaced by a new set of official brought by the colonizing powers

What is direct rule? 


Warrior prince! These military dictators held power at various times in Japanese history, most notably during isolationism under Tokugawa:

Who are shoguns? 


This aggressive governmental support of the military or military build-up, also called this, led to the start of the first World War:

What is militarism? 


At the start of World War I, the Germans attempt to encircle the French Army in Paris before moving onto Russia. This strategy was more commonly known as this:

What is the Schlieffen Plan? 


The Triple Entente featured alliances between France, England, and this giant of eastern Europe

What is Russia? 


Gentle persuasion! This type of rule featured a colonial government in which local rulers were allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status

What is Indirect Rule? 


The Empire strikes back! This period in Japanese history was marked by the shogunate losing power to the Japanese emperor, leading to modernization of the country:

What is the Meiji Restoration?


Groups of people who share a common ancestry, language, or culture are known as these:

What are ethnic groups? 


Tug-o-WAR!  This is a war based on wearing down the other side with constant attacks and heavy losses

What is a war of attrition? 


TIRE-less abuse! During his reign, King Leopold II of Belgium exploited the Congo and its people for this natural resource:

What is rubber?

Flossin' ice! At one point, Cecil Rhodes controlled 90% of the supply of this precious stone:

What are diamonds? 


School's in session! Part of Japan's modernization efforts took place inside the classroom, in which they model their education system after THIS rising 19th century power:

What is the United States? 


Ideas that are spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause, often in the form of posters and political cartoons, are also known as this: 

What is propaganda? 

This alliance featured the nations of Germany, Italy, and the Austria-Hungary, but expired when Italy betrayed and declared war on Austria-Hungary in 1915. 
What is the Triple Alliance? 

This country aided the Allies in World War I by taking back German possessions in the Pacific:

What is Japan? 


Africa in peril! This 1884 meeting of European powers divided the African continent into European colonial territories and strengthened Europe's grip on their African colonies

What is the Berlin Conference? 


Chandler from Friends?! This American commodore showed up with American warships and basically intimidated Japan into opening its ports to American vessels:

Who is Matthew Perry? 

The French were determined to gain this territory back from the Germans, lost in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870:

What is Alsace-Lorraine? 

Ailing allies! The first day of THIS battle was a disaster for British forces against Germany:

What is the Battle of the Somme? 


This 44-year period from the end of the Franco-Prussian War to the beginning of World War I was known as THIS in France, due to the period of economic, cultural, and societal growth:

What is the Belle Epoque?