It's the smallest meaningful unit in a language
What is the origin of the term "stylistics"?
This term originates from the Greek word "stylos," meaning "a pen."
She can sing like a professional actress.
The repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables
WHAT IS cliche
is an overused and worn-out expression, phrase, or element used to convey a popular thought or idea.
"... she was not unlike Morgiana in the 'Forty Thieves'." (Dickens)
Exaggeration of the statement belongs to the term...
Repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several subsequent lines.
What is similes
A simile s figure of speech which compares one thing with another to create an analogy
He was so tall that I was not sure he had face
Living dead; terribly good; real magic. What kind of example is that?
Anadiplosis of gradatio
Repetition of the last word of one line as the first word of the next.
What is metaphor
A metaphor is a figure of speech which states one
thing is another to create an analogy.
Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud- puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman?
This term means to give fictional characters names that describe them. Example: Scrooge, Snow White
What is the main focus of functional stylistics?
Functional stylistics focuses on the study of language units used in different communicative situations, with an emphasis on the appropriateness of these units to fulfill specific functions in communication.
what is allusion
Allusion is an implicit reference to a well-known person, character, place, or event that a writer makes to deepen the reader's understanding of their work.
➢An allusion is a short statement indicating broader meaning.
It's raining cats and dogs means raining heavily.
It's raining cats and dogs means raining heavily.– A figurative idiom can become a cliché if used often in a language.