When a line is made of mostly leaps and skips
What is disjunct
Another name for first species counterpoint
What is note-to-note
Both half-notes of the skip or leap form a consonant harmonic interval with the CF
What is a consonant skip or leap
One part repeats a single pitch, the other moves
What is oblique motion
These are considered dissonant intervals
What are 2nds, 4ths, 7ths
When a line moves primarily by step
Examples of perfect consonances
What are U, 5, 8
Note that fills in a skip by stepwise motion in the same direction
Examples of imperfect consonances
What is the leading tone
"the given line"
cantus firmus
Melodic embellishment that decorates the melody by stepping to the note above or below, then returning to original
Both parts move in the same direction by the same interval
Parts move in opposite directions
What is contrary motion
These parallels are forbidden
What are 5ths and octaves
Another name for second species counterpoint
What is "type of"
A term used for the unaccented notes in second-species counterpoint
What is diminution
This occurs when two parts approach a single 5th or octave by similar motion
What is a hidden or direct octave (or 5th)
These are the correct ways to close a counterpoint
What are 6-8, 10-8, or 3-U
These melodic distances are known as a skip
What is a 3rd or 4th