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an Item that protects your eyes from the sun

What are Sunglasses?

While we where out on a hike my 7 year old daughter spoted a flower and went to go pick it so she could bring it home, I thought it was really cute

Whats Picking/taking/moving items in nature


The percentage of your body weight that you should carry while hiking

How much is 20%?


the term that combines "Camping" and "Glamourous"

(A) Glamping

(B) Campourous

(C) Glaping


What does Glamping mean?

(The anwser is A)


An item used in day to day life that can be used to contact help if you get stranded

whats a phone


After a long day of hiking I returned to my campsite and lit a fire to make smores once we where done we put away all the remaining food in a premade "food location" in our campsite so that it doesnt attract any animals, when I returned our fire was still burning but I dicided to put it out with some water(it would be put out either way)

Whats lighting a fire instead of bringing/using a portable stove


Whats not waiting for the fire to stop burning to "put it out"


You can use bear spray on many animals other than the bear, Whats an example of 3 such animals

What are cougars, bobcats, coyotes, wolves, meese, elk, goats, sheep, deer and other mammals


The country that had Camping became really popular in the 1800

(A) Britian
(B)United States
(C) France

Where is Britian

(The anwser is A)


A small and light item that you should bring while camping or hiking that can be used to light a fire

What are Matches?


We chose to set up camp right on the banks of the river, It was a fresh water source, there where fish in the water, and there was a bunch of forest just 5 meters away from us! It was really pretty

What is seting up camp right by a water source


Not being loud, camping away from other campers, not camping close to the main trail 

How can i be respective of other campers


Sleeping bags are offered in _____ Shapes

(A) 5
(B) 2
(C) 1
(D) 3

How much is 2?

(The anwser is B)


A small Item that contains multiple tools that you can use in the case of an emergency

What is a swiss army knife


Right as I was about to leave to go on my hike, I noticed that my phone was only charged 60% oh well I thought, its not like ill need it anyway

Whats not making sure your phone isnt adequetly charged


Sleeping on the ground without a shelter; no tent, no tarp, no hammock, and no bug net

What is Cowboy Camping?


The name for the first organized campers

(A) Nature Lovers
(B) Tin Can Tourists
(C) Tent Dwellers

Who where the Tin Can Tourists?

(the anwser is B)


Something you should bring to help you if you get lost

What is a compass, and a map?


After a long day of hiking I returned to my campsite, set up my tent, and lit my portable stove, made my food, ate my food, and went to bed. I thought I forgot to do something but didn't think much of it

Whats not putting away your food and leaving it to attract animals?


Waterproof material that goes above your tent to protect against the elements

A Fly


The european Country that allows wild camping 

(A) Italy

(B) Germany

(C) Switzerland

Where is Germany

(The anwser is B)