How do you communicate with the teacher?
By raising your hand, using hand signals, and waiting for my turn patiently.
Hats and wearing hoods are allowed during instruction.
What are one of our classroom rules?
Answers vary
What is the school rule when you leave the classroom to go to your pickup location?
You need to go directly to your carpool location. You should not be stopping to talk to a friend.
What is the responsibility folder?
A weekly paper that reminds everyone about the classroom and hallway procedures. If you need to work on something you have to sign. If you sign more than 4 times an email is sent home.
The teacher blows the whistle.
How many mask do you need to bring to school?
At least two.
How do we move around the classroom safely?
About 10 minutes
What are the school expectations for the bathroom?
Only two people are allowed in at a time. If you are the third person wait outside or come back to the classroom.
When should you leave the classroom?
When you have permission from the teacher.
When is a good time to ask to use the bathroom during snack?
Before or during snack time. NOT when its over.
What is the school rule if you are feeling sick at home?
If you feel any symptoms you need to stay at home.