Vocabulary: Personality Adjectives
Grammar: Determiners
Grammar: -ing forms
Vocabulary: Shopping
Surprise Questions

True/False: "Jealous" means being happy for someone else's success.

"Jealous" means feeling unhappy because someone has something you want or wish you had.


I would like to buy __________ (much / many) apples for the pie.

"Many" is used with countable nouns (apples).


__________ (Dancing / Dance) is a great way to exercise.

Dancing. The -ing form "dancing" serves as the subject of the sentence.


The store has a special __________ (service / spend) for customers who buy online.

"Service" in this context refers to customer assistance or benefits related to shopping.


How __________ (much / many) sugar do you want in your tea?

"Much" is used with uncountable nouns (sugar).


My friend is very __________ (sensible / silly); he always makes good decisions.

"Sensible" describes someone who makes logical and good decisions.


There are __________ (several / much) options to choose from in this restaurant.

"Several" is used with countable nouns (options).


Which of the following sentences shows the use of an adjective + preposition + -ing form?
a) I am excited to travel next month.
b) He is tired of working late.
c) They enjoy to play soccer.

b) He is tired of working late.
Reason: This sentence correctly follows the adjective "tired" with the preposition "of" and the -ing form.


Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "discount"?
a) I want to return my purchase and get a discount.
b) The store offered a 20% discount during the sale.
c) The discount was sent back to my bank account.

b) The store offered a 20% discount during the sale.
A "discount" refers to a reduction in the price of an item.


He can be very __________ (silly / annoying) when he tells jokes that nobody finds funny.

"Annoying" describes something or someone that irritates others


What does "easygoing" mean?
a) Very serious and strict
b) Relaxed and not easily upset
c) Always busy and hard to reach

b) Relaxed and not easily upset
"Easygoing" describes someone who is calm and not easily stressed or angered.


Which sentence uses the determiner "some" correctly?
a) I don’t have some money left.
b) Can I have some water, please?
c) I didn’t eat some cake.

Can I have some water, please?
"Some" is used in positive statements and requests.


Which of the following uses the -ing form correctly after an adjective?
a) She is good at to dance.
b) He is bad at cooking.
c) They are being happy of win the game.

 b) He is bad at cooking.
"Bad at" is correctly followed by the -ing form.


I bought a new jacket, but it doesn’t fit, so I’m going to __________ it __________ (send... back / serve).

"Send back" means to return an item to the seller or store.


Put the words in the correct order to form a sentence with "some":
some / there / the fridge / milk /  is  / in

Answer: There is some milk in the fridge.
This sentence correctly uses "some" to indicate an unspecified quantity of milk.


Which of the following sentences correctly uses the adjective "reliable"?
a) She is always late, so she is very reliable.
b) He is reliable; you can count on him to help you.
c) They are reliable because they often forget to call.

b) He is reliable; you can count on him to help you.


I don’t have __________ (some / any) time to finish this task.

"Any" is used in negative sentences to indicate the absence of time.


Put the words in the correct order to form a sentence using an -ing form:
interesting / I / find / reading / books

I find reading books interesting.
The structure is correct, with "reading" as the -ing form.


What are some common promotions you see in stores?

Buy one get one free, seasonal sales


Put the words in the correct order to form a sentence with "purchases": return / my / need / I / to / today / purchases

I need to return my purchases today.


Match the adjectives with their definitions:

  • Thoughtful
  • Loyal
  • Sociable

a) Caring about others' feelings
b) Enjoying being with others
c) Being faithful and supportive

Thoughtful — a)
Loyal — c)
Sociable — b)


Match the determiners with their correct usage:

  • Plenty of
  • Several
  • A lot of

a) More than enough
b) A large number or amount
c) More than two but not many

Plenty of — a)
Several — c)
A lot of — b)


Identify the incorrect use of the -ing form and correct it: "She is afraid of to fail the exam."

"She is afraid of failing the exam."
The preposition "of" should be followed by the -ing form.


Match the shopping vocabulary words with their definitions:

  • Refunds
  • Promotions
  • Charges

a) Money returned for a returned item
b) Special offers to encourage sales
c) Fees applied for a service or product

Refunds — a)
Promotions — b)
Charges — c)


Match the adjectives with the correct prepositions and -ing form:

  • Good
  • Tired
  • Afraid

a) of swimming
b) at running
c) of flying

Good — b) at running
Tired — a) of swimming
Afraid — c) of flying