Past Simple
Past Continuous
Past Simple-Past Continuous 1
Past Simple-Past Continuous 2
Past Simple-Past Continuous 3

Yesterday, Pedro's dog____(run) after his friend.

Yesterday, Pedro's dog ran after his friend.


When you_____(tell) that scary story, I_____(snore) on the couch.

When you were telling that scary story, I was snoring on the couch.

The doorbell____(ring) while I_____(take) a shower.
The doorbell rang while I was taking a shower.

While I _____ (complete) my homework, the electricity _____ (go) off.

While I was completing my homework, the electricity went off.


What ____ (you/do) when I _____ (call) you last night?

What were you doing when I called last night?


Pablo ____(teach) Omar how to cook a pie, but he____(spoil) two yesterday. The pies _____ (be) awful.

Pablo taught Omar how to cook a pie, but he spoiled two yesterday. The pies were awful.


I don't care what you_____(do), I want to know why your child _____ (play) with my expensive watch.

I don't care what you were doing, I want to know why your child was playing  with my expensive watch.


Mr. and Mrs. Biden ______ (slip) and _____ (fall) while they ______ (dance).

Mr. and Mrs. Biden slipped and fell while they were dancing.


Felipe ____ (get) lost while he _____ (looking) for his car last night.

Felipe got lost while he was looking for his car last night.


I ____ (sit) in a café when you ____ (call).

I was sitting in a café when you called.


Elena _____ (go) to Hawaii last month. She _____ (cut) her foot on the beach and _____ (have) to get stitches.

Sun went to Hawaii  last month. She cut her foot on the beach and had to get stitches.


His dog_____(bark) while he_____(whistle) a song.

His dog was barking while he whistling a song.


Fernando_____(drive) too fast, that's why he____(have) a car accident.

Fernando was driving too fast, that's why he had a car accident.


Leonor _____ (do) her homework yesterday when her dog _____ (eat) it.

Leornor was doing her homework yesterday when her dog ate it.


We ____ (play) tennis when Manu ____ (hurt) his ankle.

We were playing tennis when Manu hurt his ankle.


Alex ____ (feel) bad yesterday because she ____ (not  perform) well. She ____ so depressed.

Alex felt bad yesterday because she didn't perform  well. She was so depressed.


While Bob ______ (read), Charlie _____ (watch) TV.

While Bob was reading, Charlie was watching TV.


I _____ (listen) to music on my phone, so I _____ (not hear) the fire alarm.

I was listening to music on my phone, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.

He _____ (lose) his wallet while he _____ (jog) in the park.
He lost his wallet while he was jogging in the park.

When I _____ (leave) the house, it _____ (rain).

When I left the house, it was raining.


Last night, my soccer team _____ (lose) the game by 1 point. Because I was sad, I ______ (eat) too much ice cream. Then I _______ (go) to sleep and _______ (cry).

Last night, my soccer team lost the game by 1 point. Because I was sad, I ate too much ice cream. Then I went to sleep and cried.

_____ you _____ (listen) while he ______ (talk)?
Were you listening while he was talking?

My sister ____ (ruin) her trainers while she ______ (exercise).

My sister ruined her trainers while she was exercising.


While she ____ (cook), the telephone ______ (ring).

While she was cooking, the telephone rang.


When I _____ (walk) into the classroom, everyone ______ (work).

When I walked into the classroom, everyone was working.