How many?
Largest and Smallest
Most and Least
More or Less

Rachel worked at a day care center where children have to take off their shoes before they come into class. Rachel measured the length of some the shoes. She put the data in the line plot below.

What is the total number of shoes Rachel measured?

10 shoes. 

Count the Xs. They represent the number of shoes.


Rachel worked at a day care center where children have to take off their shoes before they come into class. Rachel measured the length of some the shoes. She put the data in the line plot below.

What is the difference between the longest and smallest shoe?

3/6 or 1/2 feet. (They are equivalent fractions)

The longest shoe is 5/6 ft. The shortest is 2/6. Therefore, 5/6 - 2/6 = 3/6


Rachel worked at a day care center where children have to take off their shoes before they come into class. Rachel measured the length of some the shoes. She put the data in the line plot below.

What shoe size is the MOST common?

3/6 or 1/2 feet. (They are equivalent fractions)

It has FOUR x's meaning that four shoes measured that length. The others had less than 4.


How many magazines weighed less than 2/5 pound?

A.) 4

B.) 3

C.) 2

D.) 1

D.) 1

Only ONE magazine weighed less than 2/5 pound


What is Ms. A's favorite color?



What is the total number of magazines?

A. 12

B. 10

C. 7

D. 4

A. 12

Count the X's!


What is the time difference between the student that took the longest amount of time and the one that took the least amount of time?

4/12 or 1/3 hour (They are equivalent fractions)

5/12 hr is the most time spent and 1/12 is the least amount of time; therefore, 5/12 - 1/12 = 4/12


Rachel worked at a day care center where children have to take off their shoes before they come into class. Rachel measured the length of some the shoes. She put the data in the line plot below.

What shoe size is the LEAST common?

5/6 feet.

It has ONE x meaning that only one pair of shoes measured that length. The others had more than one.


Ms. Rai gave her students a quiz. She recorded how long it took each of her students to finish the quiz in the line plot below.

How many students finished the quiz in 3/12 hour or less?

A. 10

B. 9

C. 5

D. 1


Key word is "or". You have to count all the Xs on  3/12 hour and less. 

4 - 3/12, 4 - 2/12, and 1 - 1/12 for a total of 9.


What is Ms. A's favorite type of music

All types!


How many students took the quiz?

13 students.

Every X represents a student!


What is the difference between the magazine that weighs the MOST and the one that weighs the least?

1 - 1/= 4/pound

The heaviest magazine weighs 1 pound. It doesn't matter if there are two. They are the heaviest. The lightest is 1/5 pound.


The line plot below shows the weight of magazines in pounds.

What is the least common weight?

1/5 pound


Ms. Rai gave her students a quiz. She recorded how long it took each of her students to finish the quiz in the line plot below.

How many students took more than 3/12 hour to finish?

A. 1

B. 3

C. 4

D. 8


Key words are "more than". You have to count all the Xs on greater than  3/12 hour. 

3 - 4/and 1 - 5/12 for a total of 4.

How tall is Ms. A

5ft 2"


The line plot below shows the time Mrs. Alvarez spent cooking dinner each night for a month.

How many nights did she cook dinner last month?

21 nights

The Xs over 0 don't count because she didn't cook any hours then.


The line plot below shows the amount of hours 4th graders spent studying in a week.What is the difference in time between the students that studied the most and the one that studied the least?

5 - 2 1/2

4 2/- 2 1/= 2 1/hrs. 


The line plot below shows the weight of magazines in pounds.

What is the most common weight?

3/5 pound


How many magazines weighed more than 2/5 pound?

A.) 12

B.) 11

C.) 8

D.) 3

C.) 8

There are 8 X's on the numberline more than 2/5 pound.


What is the name of Ms. A's dog?

Gus !!


The line plot below shows the amount of hours 4th graders spent studying in a week.How many students studied for their test that week?

13 students


The line plot below shows the measurements of some ribbons.What is the difference in measurement between the longest piece of ribbon and the shortest?

2 inches.

The longest ribbon is 7 inches. The shortest is 5 inches. Therefore, 7 - 5 = 2 inches


The line plot below shows the amount of time 13 students took to complete a quiz.

What ARE the least common times that the students took to complete the quiz?

1/12 hour and 5/12 hour 

Key words were "are" and "times" which are plural, meaning more than one.

Both have only one, the others have more than that.


How many magazines weighed more than 2/pound but less than 1 pound?

A. 12

B. 11

C. 8

D. 6

D. 6

Key phrase are "more than 2/pound" and "less than 1 pound". You don't count them. Only the X' in between.  


What is Ms. A's favorite candy?
