4th amendment
4th amendment
4th amendment
4th amendment

What does the 4th Amendment protect citizens against?

What is... 

unreasonable search and seizures of individuals and property


Court cases from the amendment:

  • Mapp v Ohio


name an example of the 4th amendment and how it helps citizens

Your neighbor is a cop who suspects you are doing something illegal in your home. He must call the government to send you a warrant before anyone has legal permission to search your home.

  • It was _______________ as a direct response to the ___________________________ as the constitutional convention felt that it was ________________ and wrong to search for another man’s home without his _______________.

proposed, Writs of Assistance representatives, unethical, consent


When and who ratified the amendment?

  • Dec 15, 1791, James Madison


Fun fact

  • School lockers can be searched without warrants in many states 

  • The fourth amendment _____________ unreasonable search and ______________ of individuals and property.

forbids, seizures

  • The amendment was _______________ to Congress by __________________ in 1789

introduced, James madison


Why was it ratified?

  • To protect the people from invasion of privacy


Why is it proposed?

It was proposed as a direct response to the Writs of Assistance representatives ( order written by the court) at the constitutional convention felt that it was unethical and wrong to search for another man's home without his consent.


We are protected by the ________________ by limiting the power of the ___________ to seize and search people, their ___________, and their homes.

constitution, the police, property.  

  • It was then _________________ as part of the Bill of Rights on ___________________

ratified, december 15, 1791


What influence does it have on us today?

  • We are protected by the constitution by limiting the power of the police to seize and search people, their property, and their homes. We have the right to be secure. 


How did the passage change American cultures?

The amendment reinforced the idea not to search for what is yours. It has changed the proper way of searching for evidence on private property.

  • We have the right to be ____________.


  • The 4th amendment was ratified and placed in the ___________________ to protect people from any ______________ search and seizures.

constitution, unlawful


Who was president when it was ratified?

  • George Washington


Did it solve the problems it addressed?

It worked because the government cannot search any U.S citizens property without a warrant

  • This applies to _______________ whether the police stop citizens on the street, ___________ them or searches homes and businesses.

everyone, arrests

  • _____________________________ was the current president during this time

george washington