What is the mascot for Orange High School?
What Disney movie has 7 dwarfs and an evil lady?
Snow White
What is something Mr. Ray always says?
Did you guys have a good day?
Which clothing brand sells jeans and has a white and red logo that is someone's name?
What is the largest rodent in the world?
Is skateboarding an Olympic sport?
What is Liloh's doll's name from Liloh and Stitch?
What's Andrews favorite color?
What famous basketball player has their own brand of footwear?
Michael Jordan
What is the only kind of bird that can fly backwards?
A Hummingbird
What team does Cristiano Ronaldo play for?
Who are 4 character's from Mickey Mouse Club House?
Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Goofy, Minnie Mouse
what's Ms Sandra favorite pass time
playing games.
What color is a polar bears skin?
How many basketball teams are based in California?
4: Warriors, Lakers, Clippers, Sacramento Kings
What year was Disneyland founded?
What kind of beverage does Ms. Gigi usually have with her lunch?