Who Live Here?
Chain, Chain, Chain
Think Green
How Old Are You?
All the living and nonliving parts that interact in an environment.
What is an ecosystem?
Plants make their own energy which makes them this.
What is a producer?
These organisms are at the bottom of an energy pyramid.
What is producers?
Give three examples of a resource.
What is air, water, food, shelter, anything that is an important material for living things?
When a specie no longer exists.
What is extinct?
Three types of nonliving things in an ecosystem.
What is sunlight, soil, water, air, and landforms?
Food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids all start with this.
What is the sun?
The transfer of energy from one organism to another by eating and being eaten.
What is a food chain?
Two or more living things that need the same resources.
What is competition?
In layers of sediments, the younger fossils are where?
What is at the top?
An ecosystem that is hot, dry and includes plants like cacti and animals like coyotes and lizards.
What is a desert? *Make sure you know the different types of ecosystems!
Name three types of consumers and what they eat.
What is an herbivore that eats plants, carnivore that eats meat, and an omnivore that eats both plants and animals?
A food web is made up of these.
What is food chains?
This plant took away resources for many plants, but helped stop erosion.
What is the kudzu?
The type of fossil where space in the rock is the shape of what was once a living thing.
What is mold fossil? *Make sure you know the different types of fossils!
All the wildebeests that live in an area is and example of this.
What is a population?
The reason why decomposers are important for an ecosystem.
What is decomposers break down plant and animal waste and turn it back into nutrients?
If you take out an animal or a plant in a food web, you upset this.
What is the balance?
Name one way beavers helped the environment and one way they hurt the environment.
What is made a pond where fish and water plants live, but stopped water from getting to nearby places?
This type of scientist studies fossils.
What is a paleontologist?
Fins on a fish is an example of an adaptation that helps it do this.
What is survive?
This would happen if you removed the sun from an ecosystem.
What is plants would not be able to make their own food and animals would not get their resources?
Name one good thing and one bad thing that could happen if you take out the mouse in this food chain? grass-->grasshopper-->mouse-->hawk
What is good - grasshopper population increases, bad - the hawk population decreases?
Name two ways that humans can change the environment.
What is cause pollution, build homes in other animal's or plant's habitat, add chemicals to crops, etc.?
Name three things fossils can teach us.
What is what the environment used to be like, what an animals or plant used to look like, what an animal used to eat, how long ago things lived?