Strategies review
Main Idea

What are the techniques that improve the comprehensive reading?

What is techniques for learning vocabulary, patterns of organization, summary, questioning comprehension, main idea


Vocabulary development helps you...

...understanding of specific words presented in a text.


Steps in reasoning, moving from premises to logical

What is inferences


Questioning is a reading strategy that helps the reader  

What clarify what he or she is reading and to better understand the text. 


It is the concept the paragraph is exploring. 

You can define it in one ot two words

Who or what is the text talking about?

What is...Topic


What are that the techniques that improve your speed at reading?

What is skimming, scanning, words from context, and previewing.


Most students acquire vocabulary through indirect exposure by reading widely on their own. The amount of reading is important to long-term vocabulary development.

What is Incidental Vocabulary Learning


These are needed from the text to make an inference

What are evidences


What does that word mean? Why is that happening? What am I learning? 

Are these kind of questions applied before...during...or after reading?

What is... there are clarifying questions, and those are applied during the reading


These are found in the text to support the main idea

What are supporting details


Whar are the techniques that improve the intuitive comprehension?

What is words from context, prediction, inferences


Understanding specific word: Defining words from context. Applying word-learning strategies: Semantic mapping, Analyzing word parts (Affixes).Word consciousness to engage curiosity in learning more new words: Language categories, Figurative language 

What are Intentional Vocabulary Learning


How do you know this?
What in the text or image supports your description?
Why do you feel this way? 

These are...

What is inferencial questions


What are the "thin" questions..?

What are the "thick" questions..?

What are... 

Thin questions= What, When, Where, Who

Thick questions= Why, How


What are the clarifying details?

What is...Those that provide complementary information, but are not crucial to understand the message of the text


How many patterns of organization do you remember?

List 5.

What is 

    Chronological Patterns

    Sequential Patterns

    Listing Patterns

    Spatial Patterns

    Compare-Contrast Patterns

    Advantages-Disadvantages Patterns

    Description Patterns

    Definition Patterns

    Cause-Effect Patterns

    Problem-Solution Patterns


These help you develop connections among words and increase learning of vocabulary words.
For example, by writing an example, a non-example, a synonym, and an antonym, students must deeply process the word persist. 

What are semantic maps


-Use your prior knowledge
-Use textual information to draw conclusions
-Make critical judgments
-Form unique interpretations from the text, image or situation.

What is steps to make an inference


What you already know about the topic or author, or even illustrations found on the cover or in the book itself. 

Are these kind of questions applied before...during...or after reading?

What are questions before reading


Once the supporting ideas are analyzed and the essential details are related...

Once the supporting ideas are analyzed and the essential details are related, write the main idea in your own words.


How many Main Idea Techniques have we explored during the previous semesters?

Can you explain at least two?

1st Cycle: "Topic + what it is said about the topic"

2nd Cycle: Identifying the different elements (topic, main idea, supportive ideas, supportive details) by asking questions. (+ mind map).

3rd Cycle: Identify the topic, make a summary (12 words per paragraph).

4th Cycle: Identify the topic, add 2 essential details (+ outline)


The ability to analyze word parts also helps when you are faced with unknown vocabulary.

What are Affixes (prefixes and suffixes)


Etymologically, the word infer means...

What is  to "carry forward". 


What questions should we use to monitor my comprehension?

Can I relate the information easily? / ¿Puedo relacionar la información fácilmente? 

What concepts do I need to clarify? / ¿Que conceptos necesito clarificar?

What have I learned from the text? / ¿Que he aprendido de este texto?


Why it is beneficial to design an "outline" at identifying the main idea of a text?

What is...

An outline will...
 • Present information in an organized and logical manner

• Focus on main ideas and key details

• Show how information is related

• Cover a lot of material in a small space