Present Simple Passive
Past Simple Passive
Future Simple Passive
Making Sentences

What is the English word for when you return an item to a store and get your money back?



Complete the sentence using Present Passive of the verb in brackets.

The shop display _______ (change) every week by the employees.

is changed


Complete the sentence using Past Passive of the verb in brackets.

The last pair of shoes ________ (purchase) yesterday.

was purchased


Complete the sentence using Future Simple Passive of the verb in brackets.

The product ______ (not deliver) until next week.

will not (won't) be delivered

Change the sentence to Passive:

Teenagers buy this product all the time.

This product is bought (by teenagers) all the time.


What are 2 English words to describe the items or things that a store has? 

(Hint: bienes)

goods, products


Complete the sentence using Present Passive of the verb in brackets.

These shirts _______ (make) of cotton. They are very soft.

are made


Complete the sentence using Past Passive of the verb in brackets.

The adverts _______ (show) on TV to attract customers for the holidays.

were shown


Complete the sentence using Future Passive of the verb in brackets.

The prices _______ (show) on all products in the store.

will be shown


More people will use the internet to buy things online.

The internet will be used (by more people) to buy things online.


Choose the correct phrase:

It's a good idea for a shop to put a product that everyone wants in the price range / advertising agency / free samples / shop display so that people will come in to the store to look at other things.

shop display


Write a sentence with the words below using Present Passive.

Most products / sell / in stores / online.

Most products are sold in stores or online. 


Write a sentence with the words below using Past Passive.

The customers / give / special offer / at the store/ last month.

The customers were given a special offer at the store last month.


Write a sentence with the words below using Future Passive.

Most food products / grow / manufacture / laboratories.

Most food products will be grown and manufactured in laboratories.


Did they advertise this product online?

Was this product advertised online (by them)?


Fill in the blank:

Which shirt do you want to buy? Can you _________ quickly, please?

(Hint: a phrase that means decide)

make up your mind


Fill in the blank with the correct verb in Present Passive.

Many customers ________ (attract / tempt / receive / prefer) to go into a shop because of the window display.

Many customers are tempted to go into a shop because of the window display.


Fill in the blank with the correct verb in Past Passive.

Last week, flyers _______ (exchange / distribute / convey /  made) by the owner of the shop to all the customers.

Last week, flyers were distributed by the owner of the shop to all the customers.


Fill in the blank with the correct verb in Future Passive.

Online orders _____ (not accept / not display / not promote / not create), only orders from inside the store.

Online orders will not (won't) be accepted...


The store didn't make the clothes here.

The clothes weren't made (by the store) here.


Name 5 things that attract customers to a store.

shop display, free samples, adverts, discounts, bargains, sales, special offers, etc.


Form a question to the following answer using Present Passive.

Umbrellas are the most popular item sold by the employees at the store every week.

What is the most popular item sold by the employees (at the store every week)?


Form a question about the following topic using Past Passive:

Online shopping 

ex. When was online shopping first introduced?


Form a question about the following topic using Future Passive: 


ex. When will cash not be used anymore to buy things?


Free samples won't always tempt people to buy more products.

People won't always be tempted (by free samples) to buy more products.