How many floors are there here?
Technically 5! Though residents only live on 4 of them.
Name a program?
Trivia, painting, entertainment, exercise, card games, bingo, karaoke, axe throwing, board games, etc..
What is the largest organ in the human body?
The skin.
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City, it is only 110 acres!
What gets bigger the more you take away?
A hole
What's the address of Dundurn Place Care Centre?
39 Mary Street
What days are Bingo on?
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
What is the most stolen item in the world?
What is the worlds oldest currency?
The British Pound Sterling (it has been in use for 1200 years)
What can go all the way around the world but stay in the corner?
A stamp
Name a nurse on 4th floor?
Germaline, Myleen, Chantelle, Herbert, Dan, Nav
What is the store you can buy snacks at called?
The Tuck Shop.
What is the most common last name in the U.S?
What is the national animal of Scotland?
The Unicorn.
If you have me, you'll want to share me; if you share me, you will no longer have me- what am I?
A secret
Who is the Executive Director?
Agnes Lawrence
Your favourite rec team member?
Could also include Merle, Makenna, Ethan, Jasmine, Bardha, Aferedita, Hannah, Satnam, or Elmer.
What letter does not appear in any U.S State?
a) Z
b) J
c) Q
d) X
c) Q
Which planet in the Milky Way is the hottest?
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter 'M"
Who is Dundurn Place owned by?
Kindera! Previously owned by Responsive.
Who is the recreation manager?
Which country invented ice cream?
What animal has the longest tongue?
A Giraffe
A man was out in the pouring rain, yet didn't get a single hair on his head wet- how?
He was bald!