Something 4th and 5th gradres get to do including the music teacher
What math are you doing while talking about hundrenths tenths and ones
Place value
What does it mean to tell a writen story from beggining to end
What specials do read in
Bonus: Who is ginnys 4th grade teacher
Ms. Mathison
something that 3rd-5th grade gets to do sometimes
Bike rodio
What opperation has an x as the symbole
What is the question called if it has multipule awnsers to choose from
Multipul choise questione
In 4th grade what special do you learn recorders in
What comfy item do yoou make in idaho history
Something that some 4th graders get to do that includes reading chapter books
Battle of the books
What math has a numerator and denomonators?
What does R.A.C.E mean when writing
Reastate, Awnser, cite evidence, and explain
What special do you do a lot of running in
What activity do you pretend to be a pioneer in
Wagons hoe
1 thing 4th graders get to do sometimes that is including idaho history
Wagons hoe
What does sum mean
The awnser to a addition equation
BOUNUS: Who is ginnys BFF
What special do you learn to be healthy in
In 4th grade you get to make idaho maps out of what material?
Salt dough
Something that 4 students on the 4th grade classes get to to after school and preform
Boisie contemperary theater
What is a quotint?
Awnser to a division equation
What is the result of putting togethor what you know and what a text says to predict what is going to happen next?
What special do you sit down a lot in
In 4th grade you have to do writing about what two historic men
Lewis and clark