A physical feature of an animal or human
What is a structure?
How does a fish's gills help it to survive in its environment? This structure helps the fish to:
A. swim
B. breathe
C. eat
D. hide from predators
What is B. breathe?
Something we are born with; something we get from our family members that an animal is born with
What is an inherited trait?
Which of the following is a learned behavior?
A. Having blue eyes
B. Curly hair
C. Dancing
D. Height
What is C. Dancing?
True or false. Flowers having a sweet smell to attract their prey is an adaptation.
What is true?
What the human or animal can do with their structures
What is a function?
Any living thing (human, plant, animal)
What is an organism?
True or false. An example of a function is learning how to walk.
What is false?
Something you learn or experience over time; something you are not born with
What is a learned behavior?
What is the function of a giraffe's long neck?
What is to reach tree branches?
Hair, feathers, fur, scales are examples of...
What is a structure?
Which of the following is a learned behavior in dogs:
A. Chasing squirrels
B. Hiding from thunder
C. Digging holes in the dirt
D. Sitting on command
What is sitting on command?
Which adaptation of a snowshoe hare (a white bunny) provides warmth and camouflage in its cold and snowy environment:
A. Its long, flexible ears
B. Its large brown eyes
C. Thick white, fur
D. Wide strong feet
What is thick white fur?