Missing Side
Real-Life Problems
Scale Drawings

A rectangle has a base of 5 inches and a height of 3 inches.

What is 15 square inches?


a square has a side of 3 cm. It's perimeter is ______________.

What is 12 centimeters?


If we measured our classroom, the perimeter would equal 150 feet. What is the width of the room if the length is 50 feet?

What is 25 feet?


If a question uses "fence", what are they asking for?

What is perimeter?


If 1 cm = 3 meters, what would your scale drawing look like of a rectangle that is 6 meters by 18 meters?

What is 2 cm by 6 cm?


A square has a side of 6 inches. It's area is ____________.

What is 36 inches square?


A rectangle has a length of 4 inches and a width of 9 inches.  It's perimeter is _____________.

What is 26 inches?


The area of a mermaid sticker is 8 square centimeters. What is the width of the sticker if the length is 4 centimeters?

What is 2 centimeters?


Ms. Moss put two tables together to create a bigger area to work on. If both tables dimensions are 4 feet by 2 feet, what is the area of the new table?

What is 32 square feet?


If 1 cm = 6 meters, what would your scale drawing look like of a rectangle that is 18 meters by 36 meters?

What is 3cm by 6cm?


A rectangle has a width of 4 inches and a length of 8 inches. It's area is _____________.

What is 32 square inches?


An equilateral triangle has a side length of 12 feet. Its perimeter is _______________.

What is 36 feet?


A regular pentagon has a perimeter of 100 feet. What is the length of one side?

What is 20 feet?


Miranda needed to figure out how much paper to use to cover one wall. The wall is 6 feet long by 10 feet high. How many square feet of paper will she need?

What is 60 square feet?


If 1 cm = 10 meters, what would your scale drawing look like of a rectangle that is 50 meters by 70 meters?

What is 5 cm by 7 cm?


A square has a perimeter of 76 yards. It has an area of _________________.

What is 361 square yards?


A square has an area of 81 feet.  Its perimeter is _____________.

What is 36 feet?


Dr. Feit bought 60 feet of fencing to close in her rectangular backyard. The length of her backyard is 23 feet. If she has exactly enough fencing, what is the width of her backyard?

What is 7 feet?


I want to buy a larger rug for my classroom.  The dimensions of my new rug will be 8 feet by 10 feet. The area of the new rug will be _____________ and the perimeter will be _____________.

What is 80 square feet and 36 feet?


If 2 cm = 5 meters, what would your scale drawing look like of a rectangle that is 10 meters by 30 meters?

What is 4 cm by 12cm ?


a rectangle has an area of 368 square centimeters and a width of 8 centimeters. It's length is __________.

What is 46 centimeters?


The area of a rectangle is 56 square centimeters.  Its length is 8 cm.  Its perimeter is ______________.

What is 30 centimeters?


Kaitlin wants to put in new tile to her kitchen. The room is 10 feet wide. She has 120 1-square-foot tiles that is exactly enough to cover her floor. What is the length of Kaitlin's kitchen?

What is 12 feet?


Dawn is putting tile along the wall of her bathroom. The space she needs to tile is 6 feet by 4 feet. If the tiles are 2 feet by 2 feet, how many tiles does she need?

What is 6 tiles?


If 5 cm =15 meters, what would your scale drawing look like of a rectangle that is 30 meters by 90 meters?

What is 10 cm by 30cm ?