French and Indian War
British Imperial Policy
Events of the War
Key Historical Figures
a person or group that joins with another to work toward a goal
What is an ally?
In 1754, war broke out between Britain and France. These two countries had colonies in North American. In Europe, it was known as the Seven Years War. When the fighting began in North America, it was called what?
What is the French and Indian War?
the laws passed by Britain that taxed printed documents, including dice, cards, and other items
What is The Stamp Act?
In early 1775, British General Thomas Gage learned that the colonists had a stockpile of military supplies. This led to what is known as the "shot heard 'round the world." It took place during these battles.
What are the Battles of Lexington and Concord?
commander-in-chief of the Continental Army
Who is George Washington?
an event at which people speak out about an issue
What is a protest?
At the end of the French and Indian War, Britain and France signed this document.
What is the Treaty of Paris?
The Intolerable Acts led to many violations of Boston colonists' freedom, including...
What is shutting down Boston Harbor, outlawing town meetings, quartering British troops in homes, and allowing trials of British officials in England for crimes in the colonies?
In 1777, patriots defeated the British army in upstate New York and gained support of several European countries. This battle was the turning point in the war.
What is the Battle of Saratoga?
an inventor, scientist, publisher, postmaster general, and political leader who helped made the "join or die" cartoon
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
a group of ordinary people who train for battle
What is a militia?
This document told settlers to keep off of American Indian lands west of the Appalachians after the French and Indian War.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
Some colonists believed that they should not be taxed unless they are represented in Parliament. This was their motto.
What is "No taxation without representation!"?
With aid from the French fleet and French army troops, Washington was able to win this final battle of the Revolutionary War.
What is the Battle of Yorktown?
wrote "Common Sense," which used Enlightenment ideas to encourage declaring Independence from Great Britian
Who is Thomas Paine?
freedom from being controlled by another government
What is liberty?
After the French and Indian War, Parliament passed new laws for the colonies. Some of these were passed because Great Britain needed what?
What is the colonists to help pay for the war?
abuse of power by a ruler
What is tyranny?
Commander George Washington led a surprise attack to capture this city on Christmas Day in 1776.
What is Trenton, New Jersey?
This key figure of the American Revolution is quoted as having said, "Give me liberty or give me death!"
Who is Patrick Henry?
the killing of many people
What is a massacre?
This key figure of the American Revolution is credited with being the main author of the Declaration of Independence.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This action by the British caused Americans to meet the British at the Battle of Lexington head-on in a stand-off that became the first battle of the American Revolution
What is the British coming to seize American weapons and gun powder?
The Declaration of Independence explained these two things.
What is complaints about the King of England that required war with England and Independence from England?
New England preacher credited with starting the Great Awakening
Who is Jonathan Edwards?