The Moving Crust
Weathering & Erosion
Name four landforms shaped by water
channels, gullies, valleys, canyons
What are three ways the Earth's crust can change? Describe them.
Plates (made of crust and move slowly). Faults (when plates get pushed and pulled, cracks form in the crust, rocks slide up or down on each side of the fault). Folds (bend in rock layers, folds become mountains)
What is weathering and tell me about the two types?
Weathering is slow process the breaks rocks into smaller pieces (by water, rain or wind). Physical Weathering (Rocks changing size and shape without changing chemical makeup). Chemical Weathering (Changing the minerals that make up the rocks - by oxygen, acids and carbon dioxide)
What is a Flood?
It is an overflow of water onto land that is normally dry.
The settling of rocks and sand is an example of which process?
What are the four main layers beneath the surface of the Earth? Describe them.
Crust (Rock in outermost layer, brittle and cracks easily, landforms and underwater features are found on crust). Mantle (layer below crust, it is solid but can move at high pressure/temperatures). Outer Core (Liquid layer below mantle, made mostly of melted iron). Inner Core (sphere of solid material at Earth's center, hottest part of Earth).
What is an earthquake and how does it travel?
Sudden shaking of Earth's crust, caused by sudden movement along a fault when the energy is released. It travels by moving away from the center like waves.
What is erosion and what are some causes of it?
Erosion is the weathering and removal of rock or soil. It shapes the land. Causes can be: flowing water, waves, wind, gravity
Tell me about tornadoes
A thunderstorm can spin off a violet storm called a tornado and move across the ground in a narrow path. They are common in the Great Plains region of the United States.
All of these are causes of erosion except: Gravity Moving Water Wind Sunlight
Name the four areas of where the land meets the sea and describe them.
Continental shelf (part of land covered by sea, can stretch for miles). Continental Slope (steep part of continent that goes down to ocean floor). Continental Rise (connects continent and ocean floor). Ocean Ridges (long mountain ranges on bottom of ocean)
What are vibrations caused by Earthquakes called and how are they measured?
Seismic waves and Seismograph
Tell me about Deposition
It is the dropping off of weather rock. Deposition by water builds up deltas, riverbanks and beaches. Deposition by wind forms sand dunes.
What is a hurricane?
It is a very large, swirling storm. At it's center (eye) is an area of very low pressure. They form over warm oceans near the equator and whip up large waves as the travel.
Which weather event would most likely cause a flood? Volcano Tornado Hurricane Forest Fire
The tallest and most visable landform is called what? The flattest kind of landform is called what?
Mountain and Plain
Tell me about volcanos
It is a mountain that builds up around an opening in the Earth's crust. It sometimes forces materials (magma, lava, ash, rocks) from the Earth's interior out of it's opening which is called an eruption. Some volcano's rest quietly for many years until they erupt suddenly. Most volcano's occur at the edges of plates.
Give me three examples of how people shape the land
Mining (digging into the land), Landfills (People pile trash), Clearing Forests (cut down trees to build farms and homes)
What is it called when heavy rains cause loose rock and soil to move quickly down a slope?
Why do some scientists think that hurricanes are becoming more common in some places?
Higher temperatures
What are the Earth's features above the ground and below the ground called?
What is a plateau?
High landform caused by fault-block mountains spread over a wide area
What are glaciers and what do they leave behind?
They are thick sheets of ice that creep over land. They leave behind glacial debris (leftover rocks, gravel, sand & clay) and drops most of it at it's downhill end (called terminus). Materials that a glacier picks up or pushes can form mounds called Moraines.
What is it called when tons of snow and ice quickly rush down a mountain?
Who is Ro Kinzler?
She is a scientist at the American Museum of Natural History and studies volcanoes, volcanic rocks and the way magma moves through the earth.