Whole Number,Place Value, and Rounding
Multiply and Divide
Chance ?
Which number is an even number? A.35 B.37 C.38 D. 39
What is 38?
Tamika had a piece of ribbon that was 2 feet and 9 inches long. How many total inches of ribbon does Tamika have?
What is 33 inches of ribbon?
Which of the following has the greatest value? A. 12 1/100 B. 97/100 C. 4 23/100 D. 5 8/100
What is 12 1/100?
A gardener planted 27 rows of rose bushes with 26 bushes per row. How many rose bushes did the gardener plant?
What are 702 rose bushes?
Mrs. Chinn bought 3 pounds of fruit salad. How many ounces of fruit salad did she buy?
What is 48 ounces?
Jessica wrote this Pattern 21, 29, 37, 45. 53,..... What is the next number in the pattern?
What is 61?
Tory and his dad bought 16 pints of water for their camping trip. If they poured the water into gallon jugs, how many gallon jugs would they fill?
What is 2 gallons?
Compare these two fractions >, <, =: 5/8 and 2/3
What is 5/8 is less than 2/3?
Ms. Smith bought 216 donuts for the "Donuts with Dad" breakfast at her school. How many dozen donuts did she buy?
What is 18 dozen donuts?
4. The candy company sold an average of 6,098 bags of candy last fall. What is this number in expanded form?
What is c. 6,000 + 90 + 8?
In Science, Ashley's class learned the diameter of Earth is 7,926 miles and the diameter of Jupiter is 88,846 miles. What is the difference of these two diameters?
What is 80,920 miles?
Maria purchased drinks for the class party. She bout 1 gallon of chocolate milk, 2 gallons of regular milk, and 1- half gallon of strawberry milk. How many quarts of milk did she buy?
What is 14 quarts?
Ms. Gates had 7 7/8 sheets of holiday stickers. She used 3 1/8 sheets last year. How many sheets of stickers does she have now?
What is 4 6/8 ?
The newspaper subscription rate is $12 per month. How much would John pay for a two-year subscription?
What is $288?
Richard received a sandbox for a gift. The sandbox has a length of 5 ft and a width of 3 ft. What is the area of the sandbox?
What is 15 sq ft?
Solve this problem by rounding the solution to the nearest hundred and ten thousand (two answers): 15,126 + 11,003
What is 26,000 and what is 30,000? 26,129
What is the area of a box that is 16 feet long and 8 feet high?
What is 128 square feet?
Jonathan caught 2 fish. One weighed 5/8 of a pound and the other weighed 7/8 of a pound. What was the total weight of his 2 fish?
What is 1 4/8?
Mrs. Matthews tutors nine children after school. She wants to give each child an equal number of pencils. Mrs. Matthews bought 135 pencils. How many pencils will each child receive?
What is 15 pencils?
Many fans attended the state play-offs this year. On the first night 20,359 attended the game, while 26,104 attended the second night, and 27,728 attended the third night,. How many total fans attended the play offs?
What is 74,191 fans?
Name all prime numbers under 30.
What is 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, and 29?
The perimeter of a square rug is 96 feet. What is the length of each side?
What is 24 feet?
Sam, Mike, and Kevin painted 8/9 of the fourth grade wall. Mike painted 3/9 of the wall and Sam painted 4/9 of the wall. How much of the wall did Kevin paint?
What is 1/9?
Jane donated $12 to the food bank. Monica donated triple the amount. Jasmine donated double the amount Monica donated. What is the total amount the girls donated to the food bank?
What is $120?
Add: 8 6/10 + 9 38/100
What is 17 98/100 ?