Context Clues
Figurative language
An Apple a Day
An Apple a Day 2

Mya was nervous for the first day of school. She was an introvert, and her timidity made it hard for her to make new friends.

What does introvert mean?

A. new student    C. class clown

B. a shy person    D. outsider

What is B: a shy person.


The new girl at school didn't talk to anyone all day. When the teacher called on her she looked down at her desk. I don't think she made any friends on her first day.

From this I can guess that the new girl is probably       

A. shy

B. kind

C. mean

D. funny

What is A: shy.


Name this figurative language:

The smoke was cotton balls billowing from the chimney.

What is metaphor.


3. Read the sentence from paragraph 4:

Molly and Dad’s boots dent a carpet of wet leaves.     

What does the author mean by the phrase “carpet of wet leaves” in the sentence?    

A. Leaves cover the ground completely. 

B. Leaves get stuck to the bottoms of shoes. 

C. Leaves form a pattern on the ground. 

D. Leaves are dragged inside onto the rug.

What is A: Leaves cover the ground completely. 


Read paragraph 17:
Suddenly, before she can stop him, Sam shakes the purse of tiny, sour apples into the pot, too.               

What type of figurative language is included in this?

What is alliteration.


Dogs that have been abused and neglected are often wary around strangers. Eventually, however, they can learn to trust and love people again.

What does wary mean?

A. trusting    C. friendly

B. cautious    D. sleepy

What is B: cautious.


Luke is very competitive and loves to win when he plays sports. Kyler doesn't take sports all that seriously. So when their tennis singles match was over, it was no surprise that both boys were in a good mood, especially Luke.

Which statement is most likely true?

A. Luke won the match.

B. Kyler won the match.

C. The game was rained out.

D. Kyler was given a new truck.

What is A: Luke won the match.


Name this figurative language: 

Tom is like a computer when he does his math.

What is simile.


5. Which phrase from paragraph 8 helps the reader understand the meaning of the word muses?

A. “There’s just something missing...”

B. “If only they could figure out...”

C. “...they might win the blue ribbon...”

D. “...tumbles, dizzy, to the ground.”

What is B: If only they could figure out...


Read the sentence: Sunlight beats the branches. This is a form of personification. What does it really mean?

What is it was very hot. 


There was a long hiatus in the television broadcast. This pause was caused by technical problems.

What does hiatus mean?

A. noise    C. show

B. break    D. announcement

What is B: break.


Julio and his father had been looking forward to their fishing trip for weeks. They didn't take much food with them on the trip. When they started fishing they were quickly approached by a forest ranger. He asked Julio's father if he had a fishing license. Julio's father reached into his wallet and suddenly got a terrified look on his face. Julio was disappointed that night as he ate dinner.

Why did Julio and his father not take much food with them on the trip?

A. They were planning on eating the fish they caught.

B. They didn't have any food at their house.

C. They didn't want to eat too much.

D. They don't like to eat fish.



Name this figurative language:

Bobby would have been playing ball until the cows came home if it hadn’t been for Suzie dragging him home for dinner.

What is idiom.


7. Which quotation from the passage describes what is shown in the illustration?

A. “Suddenly, before she can stop him, Sam shakes the purse of tiny, sour apples into the pot, too.” (paragraph 17)

 B. “Dad hums along as he scoops hot, mushy apples into the top of the mill.” (paragraph 21)

C. “Molly and Dad take turns cranking the handle, smashing the apples into sauce.” (paragraph 22)

D. “Finally, all the apples, even Sam’s tiny tart ones, have been made into a huge bowl of applesauce.” (paragraph 23)

What is A: Suddenly, before she can stop him, Sam shakes the purse of tiny, sour apples into the pot, too. 


Based on paragraphs 9-13, what is a character traits can be used to describe Molly and Sam? 

A. Molly was caring and Sam was lazy.

B. Molly was intelligent and Sam was disrespectful. 

C. Molly was mean and Sam was easy going. 

D. Molly was strict and Sam was clever.

What is C: Molly was mean and Sam was easy going.


For centuries, people in coastal areas of China and Japan have harvested a superfood found in marine environments. Recent studies show that eating seaweed protects against infection. It also might reduce the risk of serious diseases and extend peoples’ life spans. If true, these would be important benefits.

What does the word marine mean in this paragraph?

A very nutritious

B dark blue in color

C having to do with the ocean

D member of the armed forces

What is C: having to do with the ocean.


Max was baking some cookies, but then he got an important phone call. He returned a few minutes later to a smoke filled kitchen. What can you infer?

A. The oven has turned off.

B. Max forgot about the cookies and they are burning.

C. A candle was blown out in the kitchen.

D. The cookies are cooling on the baking pan.

What is B: Max forgot about the cookies and they are burning.


They approached the first of several tall tanks. Inside, jellyfish transparent as ghosts floated through the water. Their long tentacles were party streamers trailing behind.

The jellyfish’s long tentacles are described as “party streamers” because they—

A. were made of paper.

B. were sharp and dangerous.

C. were graceful and flowing.

D. were taped onto the jellyfish.

What is C: were graceful and flowing.


1. What is the theme of the passage?                         

A. Young children need help from adults when cooking in the kitchen.

B. Completing a task the right way often takes more time than expected.                         

C. An unexpected change to a plan can sometimes lead to good results.                       

D. It is important to have the courage to try new and unfamiliar foods.


What is C: An unexpected change to a plan can sometimes lead to good results.


How would "An Apple a Day" be different if it was written as a play. 

A. It would have a cast of characters and stage directions.  

B. It would have stanzas that rhyme.

C. It would have paragraphs and chapters. 

D. It would have lines and repetition. 

What is A: It would have a cast of characters and stage directions. 


loser to home, you can find superfoods right in your garden or local store. Think “crisp and crunchy.” Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale detoxify harmful substances. As a result, they may help to prevent some forms of cancer. These veggies also are low in calories and have lots of vitamins A, C, and K.

What does the word detoxify mean in this paragraph? A to move in a wide circle

B to chew food slowly

C to make a difficult decision

D to remove bad effects

What is D: to remove bad effects.


Rachel was on her way to volunteer at the animal shelter.  She was very excited!  She really liked dogs.  Her brother was allergic to dogs, however, so she was rarely around them.  Rachel had a lot of fun playing with the puppies.  But after her shift, itchy bumps appeared on her arms.
It is likely that:

A. Mosquitoes bit Rachel

B. Rachel is allergic to dogs, too

C. Rachel fell in poison ivy

What is B: Rachel is allergic to dogs, too.


“Those are Pacific sea nettles,” her dad said. You wouldn’t want to swim with one of those. They have a sting that feels like you’ve been touched by fire.”

“They have a sting that feels like you’ve been touched by fire” means that the sting—

A. gives a sharp, hot pain.

B. is caused by touching fire.

C. occurs only in the summer.

D. leaves you feeling really tired.

What is A: gives a sharp, hot pain.


4. Which two quotations support the inference that even the family’s youngest children spend time in the orchard?

A. “The apple orchard is a short walk away, over a field of goldenrod, under an old wooden fence.” (paragraph 4)

B. “Molly knows the way well; she has walked to the orchard since she could carry only a small basket.” (paragraph 4)

C. “Long ago, when the mountains looked down on a bare, quiet valley, her grandparents planted tiny saplings in a newly cleared field.” (paragraph 5)

D. “Now the valley holds a bustling town, and the trees in the orchard reach high above Dad’s head.” (paragraph 5)

E. “Sometimes the trees bow and bend with Molly’s little cousins, but this early morning, Molly sees only spiders weaving dewy webs between branches.” (paragraph 5)

What is B and E. 


What point of view is this story, An Apple a Day written in?

What is 3rd person point of view.