Food Chains
Food Web 1
producer, consumer, or decomposer?
Food Web 2
What is the living and nonliving things that interact in an environment? A. Organism B. Ecosystem C. Habitat D. Food Web
B. an ecosystem
What is the beginning group of all food chains? A. consumers B. herbivores C. producers D. carnivores
C. producers
If there was a drought for many years, what would likely happen to the grass and mice? A. the grass would grow quickly and there would be many mice. B. the grass would grow quickly and there would be less mice. C. the grass would wilt and die and there would be many mice. D. the grass would wilt and die and there would be less mice.
D. the grass would wilt and die and there would be less mice.
Which is a decomposer? A. mushroom B. hawk C. mouse D. algae
A. mushroom
If a fox and hawk both eat rodents (mice, rats, ect.), what would happen to the rodents if the fox and hawk population doubled? A. the rodent population would increase B. the rodents would move to a different ecosystem C. the rodent population would decrease D. the rodents would have more babies
C. the rodent population would decrease
What is the name of a consumer that eats plants and animals? A. omnivore B. herbivore C. producer D. carnivore
A. omnivore
What is an animal that is hunted for food? A. predator B. consumer C. prey D. producer
C. prey

A student was building a food web for a school project. Their food web included the sun, fish, birds, crabs, shrimp, and whales. What is missing from this food web? A. Humans B. Hawks C. Producers D. Carnivores

C. Producers

Which is a producer? A. mushroom B. tree C. blue jay D. fox
B. tree
Which list shows all herbivores? A. zebra, elephant, fox B. giraffe, hawk, rabbit C. rabbit, giraffe, zebra D. wolf, fox, lion
C. rabbit, giraffe, zebra
What is an overlapping food chain? A. Ecosystem B. Organism C. Food Web D. Carnivore
C. a food web
What is a living thing that gets energy by eating other animals for food? A. producer B. consumer C. herbivore D. sun
B. consumers
Which of the following do producers need to make their own food? A. sunlight and water B. sunlight, water and oxygen C. sunlight, water and carbon dioxide D. sunlight
C. sunlight, water and carbon dioxide

What do grass, trees, algae, and seaweed have in common? A. They are all producers B. They are all consumers C. They are all herbivores D. They are all omnivores

A. They are all producers

There is a fire that destroyed all the trees and grass, but all the animals got away safely. After a few years, if the animals return, which has the best chance of survival? A. spider B. chipmunk C. grasshopper D. owl
C. grasshopper
What is a producer? A. A consumer that eats only meat B. A consumer that eats only plants C. A carnivore D. An organism that makes its own food
D. An organism that makes its own food
What is a living thing that breaks down dead things for food? A. producer B. consumer C. carnivore D. decomposer
If hawks eat mice, the mice eat grasshoppers and the grasshoppers eat grass, what is most likely to happen if there is a shortage of grasshoppers? A. The number of mice and hawks will increase B. The amount of grass will decrease C. The amount of mice and hawks will decrease D. The amount of mice will increase, but the amount of hawks will decrease
C. The amount of mice and hawks will decrease
Which shows the steps of the food chain in order? A. consumer, producer, decomposer B. producer, consumer, decomposer C. producer, decomposer, consumer D. decomposer, producer, consumer
B. producer, consumer, decomposer

What do the arrows in a food web represent? A. Eating B. The Flow of Energy C. Producers D. Omnivores

B. The Flow of Energy


How does a producer get its energy? A. Eating other plants B. Eating animals C. It only needs water D. Sunlight

D. Sunlight

What is an animal that hunts another animal for food? A. prey B. producer C. photosynthesis D. predator
D. predator
What is a consumer that eats only animals? A. Herbivore B. Omnivore C. Producer D. Carnivore
D. Carnivore
What organism in a food chain would have the GREATEST impact on the whole food chain if it were removed? A. hawk B. snake C. grass D. mouse
C. grass
Name one of each: Omnivore: Herbivore: Carnivore: Producer: Decomposer:
O-mouse, fox, people H-zebra, elephant, rabbit C-wolf, lion, shark P-cactus, trees, flowers D-mushroom, snail, worm