4th Grade
4th Grade
4th Grade
4th grade
4th Grade ELA 5

What is the main idea of a text? 

What the text is mostly about


What is this called: ' 



Fix this sentence

me and my mom watched the sun rise this morning. it was a beautiful cite. 

A. Me and my mom wached the sun rise this morning. It was a beautiful sight.

B. Me and my mom watched the sun rise this morning. It is a beautiful sight. 

C. My mom and I watched the sun rise this morning. It was a beautiful sight.

What is C.

My mom and I watched the sun rise this morning. It was a beautiful sight.


The little girl stood up for herself against the bullies in her class; she was as brave as a lion. 

The sentence above is a type of figurative language. 



After running five miles with my mom, I almost collapsed. What does the word collapsed suggest?

A. I was noisy

B. I was helpful

C. I was cheerful

D. I was very tired

What is D - I was very tired.


-uses the words "I" to tell a story. 

- is told by someone who is not part of the story, 1st, or 3rd person point of view

First-person point of view


What names an action (grammar)?



The prefix tri- means what 

Three or 3


The message or moral of a story is called what? 



What is the antonym of countless in this sentence: The night sky is filled with countless stars.

A - able to be numbered

B - easy to imagine

C - not important to all

D - not known very well

What is A - able to be numbered


What is wrong with this sentence?

I am going to see that movie later today

there is no punctuation at the end


What word is a verb in the following sentence?

April danced her way down the hall. 



What does the prefix 'mis' mean?



What does work today was a nightmare mean (figurative language)?

Work was irritating or frustrating 


The Greek root "therm" in the word thermometer means what?

A - cancel

B - heat

C - check

D - height

What is B - heat


What is the theme of this paragraph? 

I looked over and saw that the new student was sitting by herself at lunch. I didn't want to leave my friends but I felt bad that she was alone. I got up and sat next to her, she smiled and we talked for the rest of lunch.

The theme is:   kindness


It is essential that you study for your test. 

What does essential mean (Context Clues)?

extremely important


The text structure is this - 

I can't find my dog. Let's look in the backyard to see if he's there. 

a. compare and contrast

b. sequence or chronological

c. problem and solution

c. problem and solution


Adam was astonished when he walked into the cafeteria and saw all of the exciting decorations for the glow dance. The meaning of the word astonished. 

shocked or surpirsed


What is the correct meaning of the word plain in this sentence: Even though it was large, I was surprised to find out that the room was very plain.

A - not decorated or elaborate; simple or ordinary in character

B - a means of transportation in the air

C - a large area of flat land with few trees

D - a flat or level surface of a material object

What is A - not decorated or elaborate; simple or ordinary in character


What text structure is this?

Apples and oranges are both fruits, which means that they have seeds inside of them.

Compare and contrast


The teacher initiated a new policy of giving no homework on weekends.

What does initiated mean (context clues)?

to cause to begin; start; originate


Jake woke up early on Saturday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad called to Jake and said, “It is a perfect day, don’t forget to bring a towel!” Jake grabbed a towel and they left the house.

What are they going to do (inference)?

a) They are going to swim.

b) They are going to paint.

c) They are going for a bike ride.

a) They are going to swim.


The metaphor" She's an angel" means...

What is she was really nice; sweet; kind or well behaved


Which synonym would be BEST used to replace the word delay in this sentence: We had to delay the show for a month because the dancer broke his leg.

A - holdup

B - pause

C - postpone

D - wait

What is C - postpone