The Revolutionary War
The Revolutionary War Part II

The organization, led by Samuel Adams and John Hancock, that led protests and spoke openly against the British Government leading up to the Revolutionary War.  Famous for carrying out the Boston Tea Party.

Who/What were The Sons of Liberty?


This is the country that came to the colonists aid against the British and helped to turn the tide of the Revolutionary War.

What is France?


This is what lava is called when it is beneath Earth's surface, in a chamber, building up pressure.

What is magma?


The space that signifies the start of a new paragraph.

What is an indent?


This is the school cheer that we hear every morning over the announcements.

What is "Let's go flyers let's go (2x), we are leaders, we are learners, we will change the world."


These are the famous words, spoken by Patrick Henry to other Virginian representatives, that expressed the colonists' strong desire to either fight for freedom or die.

What is "Give me liberty or give me death!" ?


This is the name of the document signed by the opposing sides that officially ended the Revolutionary War.

What is the Treaty of Paris?


This is the formation, breakdown, and reformation of a rock in a continuous cycle.

What is the Rock Cycle?


When writing an essay, this is what we have been using as the first sentence of the first paragraph.  It shares its name with what fisherman place bait onto.

What is the Hook?


This is the number of plants that have died in Mr. Enright's class this year.

What is 2?


The first battle of The Revolutionary War, which was started by a mysterious shot that neither side claims responsibility for, was fought between these two towns.

What are Lexington and Concord?


The young French man who travelled alone to support the revolution and so impressed General Washington that he was given command of a large portion of the continental army.

Who was (Gilbert du Motier) the Marquis de Lafayette?


The process of rock particles being moved from one place to another by way of water, ice, and wind.

What is Erosion?


Syllables that are added to the beginning of words to change their meaning.

What are Prefixes?


The call back signal Mrs. Tess uses to get the class's attention.

What is "Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?"


This is the branch of government in Great Britain that passed the Stamp Act in 1765 and the Intolerable Acts in 1774.

What is the British Parliament?


The refuge that the continental army took in the winter of 1777 where over 2,000 men died to illness, starvation, and cold.

What is Valley Forge?


These are the three types of rocks that exist on planet Earth.

What are Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rock?


The name given to the "F" and "J" keys on a keyboard, where your left and right pointer fingers should be on when at rest.

What are the "home-keys?"


The names of the four houses at Hogwarts.

What are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw?


Three men rode through the night on April 18, 1775 to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock of the the British soldiers coming to arrest them.

Name one.

Who were William Dawes, Samuel Prescott, and Paul Revere?


This British Commander surrendered along with 8,000 British troops at the battle of Yorktown.

Who is General Charles Cornwallis?


The name of the Hawaiian goddess of fire.

Who is Pele?


The punctuation marks used to signify the use of dialogue in a piece of writing.  Placed at the beginning and end of a quote.

What are quotation marks?


The name of the "good woman of the wood" who Beatrice promises to take Wirt and Greg to in Over the Garden Wall.

Who is Adelaide?