The value of 8 in the number 3,589,025
What is 80,000
23,630 + 5,286
What is 28,916?
The Native American group from New Jersey
Another name for the North Star
What is Polaris?
Miss Klobucista's age
What is 22?
The area of the rectangle above
What is 84?
6,052 - 4,784
The issue that the Civil War was fought over
What is slavery?
The classification that humans fall under
What is mammals?
What was the insect that was hanging above Miss Klobucista's head on the first day of school this year in her AM class?
What is a spider?
Lia is equally sharing 13 chocolate bars with 4 people. What amount of chocolate does each person get?
What is 3 1/4?
The red line, pictured below
What is the equator?
Grouping of stars that create a pattern in the night sky
What is a constellation?
Miss Klobucista's favorite season
Miss Klobucista drank 32 quarts of coffee in May. Mrs. McCauley drank 70 pints. Who drank more and how many pints more did they drink?
Who is Mrs. McCauley and 6 pints more?
958 / 6
What is 159 R 4?
The group of people that had the colony of NJ before the English did.
Who are the Dutch?
The amount of time it takes the Earth to revolve
Name one thing Miss Klobucista does at least once every day
What is singing?
What is dancing?
What is call you party people?
The dog shelter has 20 dogs that weigh exactly the same amount of weight. The dogs' total weight is 1,538 pounds. How much does each dog weigh? (HINT: their weight should have a fraction of a pound in it.)
What is 76 18/20 pounds?
(156x8) / (8x5)
31 R 8
Name the governor of NJ who went on to become president.
Who was Woodrow Wilson?
The resistance of motion when one object rubs against another
The grade that Miss Klobucista got her braces off
What is 8th grade?