Multiple fractions that represent the same amount of a whole.
What are equivalent fractions?
Answer choices:
Greater than - Less than - Equal to
3/4 ______ 2/4
What is greater than?
What two fractions are represented in the area model below:
What is 3/4 and 6/8?
The top number in a fraction (the number of fractional units we have in the whole).
What is the numerator?
Aaradhya and Carmen bake 10 cakes total.
Aaradhya made 2/5 of the cakes, Carmen made 3/5 of the cakes.
How many cakes did Aaradhya Bake?
How many cakes did Carmen bake?
Aaradhya baked 4 cakes.
Carmen baked 6 cakes.
2/3 is equivalent to...
What is 4/6 (6/9; 20/30 or any other equivalent)
Answer choices:
Greater than - Less than - Equal to
4/9 ______ 4/7
What is less than?
What this type of fraction model is called.
What is a number line?
2 3/4 - 5 1/3 - 7 8/9
The above are examples of this type of number.
What is a 'mixed number'?
Mia and Emily need ribbon to wrap gifts. Mia asked for 3/4 of yard, Emily asked for 9/12 of a yard.
Who is using the greatest amount of ribbon?
Mia and Emily are using equal amounts of ribbon.
True or False:
4/9 is equivalent to 16/36
What is TRUE?
Answer choices:
Greater than - Less than - Equal to
10/4 ______ 8/5
What is greater than?
What this type of fraction model is called.
What is an area model?
The bottom number of a fraction (the number of fractional units in a whole).
What is 'denominator'?
Jackson says 8/11 is greater than 16/22.
Jordan says 8/11 is less than 16/22.
Who is correct?
8/11 = 16/22
2/4, 3/6, 4/8 and 5/10 all have an equivalent fraction in common.
What is 1/2?
Answer choices:
Greater than - Less than - Equal to
12/4 _____ 3
What is equal to?
Which area model represents 2/5 and 6/15?
What is area model A?
11/3 - 5/2 - 9/4
The above are examples of this type of fraction.
What is an 'improper fraction'?
Theo, Asher and Oliver ate a pizza that had 12 slices.
Theo ate 1/3 of the pizza.
Asher ate 1/2 of the pizza.
Oliver ate the remaining slices.
Who ate the most pizza?
Asher ate the most pizza (6 slices).
3/9, 6/18, 12/36 have this simplified fraction in common.
What is 1/3?
Answer choices:
Greater than - Less than - Equal to
4 3/4 _____ 2 11/4
What is equal to?
Which fraction model shows 5/8 AND 10/16?
What are A, B and C?
To indicate (mark, label) a fraction on a number line.
What is 'plot'?
Henry eats 3/4 of a cookie. Daxton eats 6/8 of a different, but same size, cookie. Do Henry and Daxton eat the same amount of cookie?
Yes, they eat the same amount of cookie.