Story Elements
Unknown Words
Reading Strategies

To make an inference you need observations from text _________and ____________.

evidence and background knowledge or schema


To briefly tell the most important parts of a story is to.

To summarize


The Canal Street Club Ming, Steve, and Kim are in the Canal Street Club. They help Mrs. Chen make sandwiches for people who are hungry. Last Saturday was the Chinese New Year so they worked extra hard to make some people’s holiday a little better. They made sandwiches all morning. They had about half of them done. Then they went to help Mrs. Chen decorate for the party. When they returned, they were surprised to see that all the sandwiches were made. Three young people their age were walking towards them. One boy said, “We just moved here. We hope you don’t mind that we made the rest of the sandwiches. We like to help out.” Now the Canal Street Club had six members and the projects went much faster. 

Who is the story about?                                         A. Mrs. Chen                                                         B the neighborhood                                              C. The Canal Street Club                                        D. the new neighbors

C. The Canal Street Club


After Lily left home for college, her dad tried to sell the computer games she had played when she was little. However, he soon discovered they were OBSOLETE. The word OBSOLETE means: a) too easy b) out of date c) boring

B. out of date


When you first get to a passage you should...

Read and highlight/circle the title


From the picture we can infer that this person who uses these tools is a ___________.

Chef or a cook


The central message that the author wants to teach you.

The theme


The Canal Street Club 

Ming, Steve, and Kim are in the Canal Street Club. They help Mrs. Chen make sandwiches for people who are hungry. Last Saturday was the Chinese New Year so they worked extra hard to make some people’s holiday a little better. They made sandwiches all morning. They had about half of them done. Then they went to help Mrs. Chen decorate for the party. When they returned, they were surprised to see that all the sandwiches were made. Three young people their age were walking towards them. One boy said, “We just moved here. We hope you don’t mind that we made the rest of the sandwiches. We like to help out.” Now the Canal Street Club had six members and the projects went much faster. 

The characters in the story are— 

A. lazy and selfish.                                               B. helpful and hardworking.                                 

C. noisy and rude.                                              

 D. hurried and clumsy

B. Helpful and hardworking


Mrs. Jones was nervous about flying on an airplane. She had never flown before. Her daughter REASSURED her by telling her that planes are very safe. What does REASSURED mean? a) comforted b) reminded c) forced

A. comforted


Before reading the passage, you should...

Read the questions


It was Tony’s first day in his new school. As the newest student, Tony was seated in the back of the classroom. Tony’s new teacher, Mr. Brown, said they would start the day with a spelling lesson. Tony knew that the spelling book was blue, and he got it out of his book bag. Mr. Brown called on Tony. He asked Tony to read the spelling words which were written on the board. Tony looked at the board. He squinted his eyes. He leaned his head forward and stared for a minute. When he didn’t say anything, one or two children giggled. 

Tony squints because he— 

A. dislikes being in the back of the classroom. B. has trouble seeing.                                  C. can’t hear the teacher.                              D. is in pain

B. has trouble seeing


On Monday, Nova had a note in her backpack from her teacher.  That day, she got in trouble in class.  She decided that she would hide the note from her mom, because she thought it was about her getting into trouble in class.  The next day, her teacher asked if she brought her permission slip for the field trip back. She hid the truth from her mom and now she would not be allowed to go on the field trip.

The theme of this story is?

It is better to be honest about situations because you could miss out on something important.


The Canal Street Club 

Ming, Steve, and Kim are in the Canal Street Club. They help Mrs. Chen make sandwiches for people who are hungry. Last Saturday was the Chinese New Year so they worked extra hard to make some people’s holiday a little better. They made sandwiches all morning. They had about half of them done. Then they went to help Mrs. Chen decorate for the party. When they returned, they were surprised to see that all the sandwiches were made. Three young people their age were walking towards them. One boy said, “We just moved here. We hope you don’t mind that we made the rest of the sandwiches. We like to help out.” Now the Canal Street Club had six members and the projects went much faster. 

What happens at the end of the story? 

A. Ming, Steve, and Kim help Mrs. Chen                 B. They all make sandwiches.                                C. The new neighbors join the club.                      D. The new neighbors finish making the sandwiches.

D. The new neighbors finish making the sandwiches


The meadow was full of wildflowers. There were not many large plants, and tress were SPARSE. What does SPARSE mean? a) many b) few c) large

B. few


Before choosing an answer to a question you need to...

Highlight evidence in text

Mr. Brown asked Tony if he would like to sit in the front of the room. Tony agreed. He picked up his book bag and spelling book and moved to a new seat at the very front of the class. 

Mr. Brown changes Tony’s seat to the front so that— 

A. he can talk to Tony.                                 B. Tony is with his friends.                           C. Tony is closer to the chalkboard.                 D. Tony won’t misbehave.

C. Tony is closer to the chalkboard


Characters in a story might be forgetting

to do their homework or their chores. The

character needs to learn the value of

doing things that are important.

The theme topic of this scenario.



The Lonely Critic

 Anne and Teresa smiled and laughed as they left the movie theater. Joe walked close behind them. He had a serious expression as he rushed to keep up with Anne, Teresa, and their other friends. “I really liked it,” said Anne to the others as they walked outside. “So did I,” added Teresa. “It was so funny and entertaining.” “Didn’t you love it when the dog got into the driver’s seat?” commented another friend. One or two others in the group nodded their heads in agreement. “Well,” Joe said loudly, “I can’t believe any of you liked it. The script was an absolute embarrassment. The acting was awful. The camera work was terrible, and the director doesn’t know the first thing about filmmaking.” The others looked at each other and rolled their eyes. “Joe thinks he knows everything,” Anne whispered to Teresa. “I’ll say,” Teresa whispered back. “Who wants to grab some pizza and talk about the movie?” Joe asked. “There are a lot more things I could tell you about filmmaking.” “No thanks, we’ve got to get home,” said Anne and Teresa at the same time. “It’s getting late.” One by one the others said they had to be up early in the morning. Joe shrugged. “Suit yourselves,” he said. 

From what he says, Joe seems to— 

A. value his own opinion highly.                              B. value his friends’ opinions.                                C. want to learn about movies.                                D. want to talk about himself.

A. Value his own opinion highly


The artist had used VIVID colors in the painting, which made it stand out in the otherwise drab room. What does VIVID mean? a) dull b) tinted c) bright

C. bright

If you come to a question you don't know the answer to, what can you do?

-Slash answers you know are wrong

-Look for evidence in the text

-Use background knowledge/schema

-Choose the answer that makes the most sense


“Achoo!” Becky sneezed. She sneezed again and then a third time. She felt warm and cold at the same time, and her head was throbbing. Becky dragged herself out of bed and called her boss to tell him she would not be at work. 

Why was Becky not going to work?                 What clues in the paragraph helped you make this inference? 

Becky is sick

She was sneezing, had a fever and chills, her head hurt.


What are some themes we have learned in our mentor texts during our fiction unit?


-tell the truth

-do not play tricks on people/do not be greedy

-never give up


The Lonely Critic

 Anne and Teresa smiled and laughed as they left the movie theater. Joe walked close behind them. He had a serious expression as he rushed to keep up with Anne, Teresa, and their other friends. “I really liked it,” said Anne to the others as they walked outside. “So did I,” added Teresa. “It was so funny and entertaining.” “Didn’t you love it when the dog got into the driver’s seat?” commented another friend. One or two others in the group nodded their heads in agreement. “Well,” Joe said loudly, “I can’t believe any of you liked it. The script was an absolute embarrassment. The acting was awful. The camera work was terrible, and the director doesn’t know the first thing about filmmaking.” The others looked at each other and rolled their eyes. “Joe thinks he knows everything,” Anne whispered to Teresa. “I’ll say,” Teresa whispered back. “Who wants to grab some pizza and talk about the movie?” Joe asked. “There are a lot more things I could tell you about filmmaking.” “No thanks, we’ve got to get home,” said Anne and Teresa at the same time. “It’s getting late.” One by one the others said they had to be up early in the morning. Joe shrugged. “Suit yourselves,” he said. 

What is missing from the story that would help you know more about Joe?                                          A. his actions.                                                      B. his friends’ actions.                                          C. his thoughts.                                                      D. his words.

C. his thoughts


Adrian liked his new laptop computer because it was light and PORTABLE. He took it with him everywhere! What does PORTABLE mean? a) small b) movable c) high-tech

B. movable

When you come across words you don't know the meaning of, what should you do?

-Re-read the entire sentence and possibly the sentence before and after

-Check to see if you recognize part of the word

-Look for pictures

-Plug in a different word to see if it makes sense