She was the first black student to integrate white schools
Ruby Bridges
The name for any four sided figure.
In 1859 many people left their homes to come to Colorado in search of this precious metal.
Camouflage, hibernation and migration are all types of this.
What are the names of Mrs. Hart's pets?
Elvis, Chewie and Izzy
This Pakistani girl was shot while fighting for girl's rights to education in her country.
The answer to a multiplication problem is called this.
Trappers and traders came to Colorado in hopes of finding this animal and making a fortune catering to European fashions.
Day and night occur because of this natural occurrence.
Rotation of the Earth
Which 4th grade teacher played soccer and did martial arts?
Maestra Giselle
The 16th president abolished slavery
Abraham Lincoln
Numbers that have more than 2 factors are called this. ex 12=1,12 3,4 2,6
Native Americans used all parts of the buffalo, including it's internal organs, this was used to hold liquids
People experience the a year and four seasons because of this natural phenomenon
What winter sport(s) does Mrs. Martinez enjoy?
snowboard and skiing with her dogs
Two inventions that Thomas Edison is credited with inventing
phonograph, safe light bulb, recording device
Numbers that multiple up, up, up or skip counting
The first people in Colorado.
The Anasazi
Where did the idea for Velcro come from
A man was hiking and he noticed his dog had a burr caught in his fur. The idea came from the hooks he noticed
Who will next years fifth grade teachers be?
Ms. Krystopa, Maestra Mose y Mrs. Brickson, Maestro Sergio
To be a hero one must show which learner profile traits
Any or all of them
This place is 1/100 of a whole or one
What are the three Branches of Government?
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches
What parts are required to create a simple circuit?
Power source, receptor, wires
How long have Maestra Sandra, Maestra Giselle, Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Martinez been at Dillon Valley Elementary?